I'm not sure if it's gonna be included into the "January Update", but I'm sure it'll come out soon. Just don't really have any specific date yet...
I thought it comes with the January update. Octodeath was lucky I helped him with the spawns because without me that map wouldn't have got in. And no it does NOT look freakin awsome. Gameplay on that map is very mediocre and there is a lot of camping with the shotgun and sword with all of the shield doors. It shouldn't have been accepted and we should just pray that Smashed is going to be better.
wow, thats presumptious of you. I'm dissapointed about that statement, trying to take credit for a map that you might have spent 5 minutes helping the creator on...
No, he is saying that he fixed the spawns up for the creator on Octoplex. Bungie said they selected Octoplex because it had the better spawning system of 2 maps that they (Bungie) actually tested. He is right for saying that without an improved spawn system, this map would never have been chosen.
Hmmm that's odd. I seem to have no recollection of you ever helping me with the spawns. However, I do recollect spending a significant amount of time working out the spawning myself. I also recollect never editing the map whilst having another player on the map with me. I know which people I have to thank for helping me get the map so far, and they have my gratitude. Anyway to answer the OP, Octoplex should be up on Tuesday once the January Matchmaking Playlist Update has gone live.
I doubt I will be so your statement is already false. The gameplay is average, that is to say I can stand it and won't get pissed off at it.
Alright guys well Lights didn't lock the other topic for no reason. Let's not start debating whether the map is worthy or not. Stick to the OP's question.