SandInferno 3.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by UrM4mm4, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. UrM4mm4

    UrM4mm4 Ancient
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    Hello, well, im new to the forge hub scene, best to get it off to a good start eh.

    SandInferno is a custom map designed for Infection game types. the good thing about this map is that it works well with most infection game types (by most i mean 300% speed and low gravity). the map itself is unique in the fact that no matter how far you are, theres always an area of interest.

    at the start, the Humans begin at the elephant with weapons galore. in the tomb, the Zombies Start with their bonafid selves. a typical game looks like any other custom made variant, only you have every light ground vehicle in the game, neat and orderly weapon placement, and placements where one area doesn't favor one side or the other. vehicle placements are also placed in the most inconspicuous places (although not so that it looks tacky).

    now the game types i use for this map are very run in the mill but offer unique options which make the game a blast. first and foremost is the humans, humans have pretty much standard equipment, but spawning in the elephant being able to only carry 2 guns has its disadvantages. lets say you grab a shotty and sniper, by the time you've grabbed them you're stuck with them, most of the vehicles inside will be taken, and you're left to hang dry with you're super close and super long guns. the Zombies have another neat perk to them. by allowing the vehicle option to PASSENGER ONLY, Zombies can hi-jack vehicles occupied by Humans, then quickly exiting due to the option. hearing the voice of people watching you yank them out of their car is quite gratifying. The two forms of infection which i recommend are Devil Zombie, and Demon Zombie. Demon being Strait infection, and Devil being the Alpha variant of Demon. both allow certain elements, and both add others as well.

    For more detailed description Please Click Here

    down load: SandInferno 3.0

    Devil/Demon Zombie


    The Elephant

    The Stead
    By urm4mm4

    The Group
    By urm4mm4
  2. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Hello and welcome to forgehub. I suggest you embed some picture or else people will be on your butt.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    As my rather undignified little friend disclosed to you, we do not function like Bnet. Please give a thorough map description, some screenshots, and if this map is used with Infection customs with crazy modifications like 300% speed, put in Mini-Games.
  4. Ice Wolf 212

    Ice Wolf 212 Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub, I recently joined as well and know the difficulties of the first post so I definitely will give you some slack about the missing pictures. I also got a tip for you, you can't get pics and put them on your post directly from, you have to save them to your computer, upload them to a website like, and then copy them to your post. Hope this helps. About the map, it sounds alright, but definitely looks like a lot like other maps, really fast zombies on Sandtrap, I think pretty much everyone has there own version of that map. Even I have a map like that called Dead Desert. Anyway, welcome and good luck with future maps. :D
  5. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Welcome to Forgehub and GL. Noone is going to give this thread any attention unless you embed some pics. Go HERE for some tips on how to properly post your map.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    You don't need to repeat that he needs screens more than three times. Three's a magic number because it's prime. Four isn't. It's not a prime. Therefore, don't repeat four times. My logic is undeniable.
  7. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Umm.. I dunno really know about that reasoning, and I agree that he doesn't need to be reminded of the same thing more than once, unless of course noone has pointed him in the right direction. Which is the reason I posted a reply, so that I could give him a link to get some help.

    To Nemi:[​IMG]
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good point. I really need to add a link to rules in my sig later.

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