We get this all the time; we work on a map for a couple of days with excitement, and then act in a... almost bored state, where we don't want to continue our map. Would somebody help me?
try not going into forge and building your map for a long time, then its gets boring, take breaks like whisper said, like play another game or do amtchmaking
What I usually do is, if the map is decent enough to play on, play a custom on it, see what is missing, see how you can improve what you plan to improve even more, and before you know it, the fire in your heart for forging your awesome map will be back. Especially when someone says "Wow this is a noob map, you a horrible mapmaker, needs m0r3 1nt3rl0ckz. Then, you will reply "Oh, it will get better, much, much better!
I only get this in between maps. When I make them I'm really excited and can't wait to put the final touches on. I also kind of get this when I put the map variant objects on, stuff like the flag, bomb, and respawns, but I still do it. But otherwise I rarely get this when I keep making maps, it's only when I stop and look at other maps that I feel overwhelmed and start to not care. So yeah, for you I guess you should just do it anyway, then when you get to a certain point you'll prby get excited over something cool. So in a way, just forge maps that you get excited about making, if they aren't exciting to make, then they prbly aren't exciting to play.
I get this alot, usually when i have a lack of inspiration. You just have to find something, either a friend to give you moral support, or just looking at other peoples maps can help give you inspiration.
If you get to agrivated with the map take a break. Get another forger or two inside to check your map for you. If all else fails forge on somthing else, you will often be hit by insperation while you make another map. Well atleast it works for me.
What I do is forge for a while and then play custom games with friends. But most of the time nobody has anything good so I go play matchmaking. But if all fails, I just play a random arcade game. And then after an hour or two, I go back to Halo 3. Hope that helps because it works great for me.
If you get this, it may because you are making a boring map. =O Unless it's like spawn areas or flag spawns. That is boring.
Spawning is the only thing left to do on my current map, but it is just so boring and annoying i have just given up for a few days =)
Yea... I have like three maps finished but I hate spawns and weapons. If someone could do some for me... = D I'm going to talk to my friend about doing my weapons and spawns.
I wait untell im motivated too continue finishing the map. But it can take a few days too a few weeks before i find it. :/
I usually try and do something recently... AKA merging vehicles with walls... I also sometimes make... *Deep breath* Superdestructopileofdoomexplosionbonanzaforthewintocheermeupandcontinueworkingonmymap... phew.
Well, I bet none of you believe me, but, I actually Forge upside down when I get bored. Try it! It gives you a new perspective on your map...perhaps a bit too literal but you get what I mean.