So as the title says, there is this really cool MMORPG or whatever on the Iphone/Itouch. Its is called IMob and yes it is free, for right now anyway. The game itself isn't an actual game, but you have a profile, and from their you do jobs, gain money, and invite people to join YOUR mob. So I was just seein if anyone had it. I just got it, and now its one of my fav apps. BTW my friend code is 101031942
Eh. I was kinda hoping for an actual RPG on the iTouch. I'll stick with Warfare Incorporated, Enigmo, and Sim City.
So, it's basically that Mafia Wars game that everyone of my friends plays on Facebook, except stupider. I mean, honestly, if I wanted to play a game with names, statistics, and other tidbits of general information, I could always invest in the Stock Market. It's like DnD on Insane Mode!
I'd have told my friend about this but hr's most probably emulised other cool onto his iTouch. I did this recently, but was part of a Economics competition on a stock market with the same figures - but fake. We were doing well, in the top 1000 until we realised it was getting kind of pointless and stopped.
Hey Youtuber, Have you tried using imob today, since I just downloaded it for my ipod touch, and it has been acting weird. Each time I try to use it, it takes forever to connect. It also just kept saying error, the first time I used it. Now it says connect, but then automaticly goes to the home screen.... It's annoying cause I really want to play it, and I don't want a myspace or facebook just so I can play 1 game...
I love the amount of games i can get on my touch. I've yet to get a Role-Playing Game Game as you call them yet though. Actually, it seems more like a website-game, as in a website crested to support the game. Still looks good though.
I barely even get games on mine. I just use it to listen to music, watch movies, and sometimes internet.