A-maze-ZING Created By: x Butt3rball x Recommended Players: 1 Description: This is a maze that is placed in foundry. There are 5 main rooms with 2 smaller puzzles. There may not be a lot of rooms, but I added something unique to each of them using tricks that most people have not seen. Hints/Information: Solo Puzzle: This map was made to be played solely. Each room was specifically made to be be beaten by one person without any others help. Weapon Holders: In this maze, weapon holders are your friends. They may not seem useful, but they hint on what to do or where to go. Out of the 6 rooms weapon holders are in 3 of them. I put the weapon holders in the ones I thought were the hardest. Pictures: These pictures were meant to show you the layout of the map. They show you really no hints, so yes unfortunately you will have to download this map to beat it. There will be small hints in the picture descriptions though. ^First room, Needlers can do things others cant. ^Hallway, you have to walk down a hallway. <-----No skill. ^Second Room, Backtracking isn't always that bad. ^Third Room, the answer is right under your nose. ^Fourth Room, sometimes barrels can be the most helpful in a time of need. ^Fifth room, Wheels are the way to go but you have to find the lift. ^Last Puzzle, Choose wisely because only one leads you to victory. ^Congratulations, you have beaten my maze. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD MAP HERE: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details DOWNLOAD VARIANT HERE: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details ^MUST be played with variant^ (If you do complete my maze please send me a video on xbox live I would love to see you beat it. Also come back to rate and comment on the map.) Gamertag: x Butt3rball x
dude for puzzle lovers they don't want to see the answer given to them. put all the pictureees except 1 in a spoiler thing [noparse][/noparse]
I don't see how he gave away the answer.... but anyway, Looks fun kinda challenging but i think it is pretty short from the pictures.. 3/5
It doesn't look too bad, but never, never put something that kills you if you get unlucky at the very end of the puzzle. Thats a big no no.
First try--9:06 Lol damn that dumpster! It was a very easy maze that kept me midly entertained for 10 minutes. Also, having to choose a teleporter at the end is NOT a puzzle, and I might even detract that from my rating. I do infact appreciate that you indicated the order of the rooms, with a picture of each. Well done post. Keep forging, and try to make your next one harder.