Preview of Aberration Aberration (in Progress) This is the undergoing work on my latest map, Aberration. I've put probably three hours of work into it and have the main shape of the map almost complete. You should be able to see the outside of the map judging by the pictures, but its not blocked of yet dun worry. The interlockings is mostly flawless and I did a little something special with man canons under the map to light up the pipes in foundry's floor. Please good and bad criticism the center piece isn't finished. Check up on this thread because I will be updating it as much as I can Thanks
wow looks like it has possibilities, but it depends on what you do next though so keep that in mind. could be good for a canvas if you built some walls.
Looks interesting. Two questions though. Are you going to block in the circular path? As in, what is pictured is the only area you will be in. Or are you going to expand it to the rest/more of Foundry? And, what's up with the man cannons under the boxes?You said they're there to light up the pipes, but do they actually launch you?
Canvas, um yea no. Theres way to many canvases and add the fact that if anyone would like to use man cannons they wouldn't be because they'd be under the map. Yes you will not be able to go to the outside of the double boxes or "path" as you call it and no the man cannons are just for show they will not launch you. Thank you, the work has come to a halt because of problems with the center piece, im trying to figure out a new one now.
Looks like it has a good outer design, but like you said there can be problems designing the inner portion.
yea I've pretty much stopped working on it because I just finished my map delusion, but it will be coming out soon, but I'm also making a conquest map, and that need to be done before the conquest contest closes so, yea time will take a while.
Looks like a good design so far, nice start, cant wait to see it finished. The mancannons in the pipe is a nice touch, and the fencewalls in the boxes are nice as well. What kind of gametype would you play this on? Good job, cant wait to see it released
looks like its going to be a nice map. the structure in the middle will make or break the map. good luck