BlitZ Ball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shihuru, Dec 31, 2008.

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  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    BlitZ Ball
    BlitZ Ball! BlitZ Ball, also known as Spartan Training 11.7, is a sports game created by the UNSC military to train Spartans ability to use their armour in aerial combat. The BlitZ Ball Arena has been fixed with the latest man-cannons and grav lifts to simulate flight, or wieghtlessness for the Spartans. A death pit was centered in the middle of the arena to "heighten" the dangers, so to speak.

    The BlitZ Ball Arena!
    Jump Ball! (Tip: Hold "RB" when flying near the ball)
    Use Man-cannons and grav lifts to manuever!
    Dodge the opposing team!
    The Death Pit!
    Hammer Owned!
    STICKIED! (Note: Requires more than one stick to kill)
    BlitZ Ball! (I know the sign looks crappy!)

    How To Play:
    Two teams, 1 ball, 5 detonations, who will will? In BlitZ Ball players from each team will have to grab the ball (Bomb) that hovers over the death pit, I call this part of the game, "Jump Ball" because players will have to use the man-cannons and grav lifts to jump and grab the ball. After a team grabs the ball they will have to manuever around the map, avoiding the opposing team. Once a team manages to get the ball they will have to use the man-cannons and grav lifts to score in their opponents goal. Players are equipped with Swords and hammers to pound their rivals. The first team with 5 points wins!

    Number of players:UPDATED: 1/21/09-Max players no longer 6, its now 4
    2 to 4 players (1v1 is very fun!)

    BlitZ Arena

    BlitZ Ball

    #1 Shihuru, Dec 31, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  2. Chubbly911

    Chubbly911 Ancient
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    ooo looks fun. ill dl. though it doesnt look like u put toooo much effort in to i t. ill check it out though.
  3. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    wow im dling right now nice idea fantastic 10/5 keep making mini games way to go. if this gets featured i was the first two say it would. lol
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I appreciate your feedback, but I put A LOT of effort in this map. Especially for the "B Ball" sign, which was my first time ever doing, and it still didn't come out how I wanted it to be. I spent like 2 hours trying to get the nodes' lights to show...

    Lol thx! 10/5? Thats better than perfect. Out of the gagillion maps I made, I hope this one makes the featured list...
  5. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    That looks like a lot of fun. A weightless grifball of sorts. Good job on the map! It has clean interlocking and looks like it will surely bring alot of fun!
  6. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Make another version with the mancannons interlocked just a little bit into the ground so that we cannot see the main part of it and just the... well you know what I'm talking about!

    Otherwise this map looks like some effort was used to make it, but not much. The map looks very small compared to other assault games. 3/5 and I'll check it out later.

    The idea is great, but it just needs to be larger.

    I remember reading a guide on how to do that. You read it yet? It is very easy once you read the guide because it shows you how to make the lights and everything show up...

    To bad I don't have the link.
  7. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I tried putting the man-cannons under the boxes but I could barely see where to jump on the man-cannons while i was playing it. So i kept them like that, but i just might make another version, for you guys. =) Lol

    I had to make the map small because there aren't a lot of man-cannons or grav lifts, I think the map is the perfect size anyway...
  8. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    i honestly dont see why people think this map is good. The man cannons everywhere is gonna make you get launched in every possible direction and nearly impossible to go anywhere. I dont know about you, but i like to have control of where i go.
  9. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I apologize, but I'm going to have to go with this too. Unless the mancannons are interlocked, hidden, everything so that just the grav beams shoot out, and they are all pointed straight up, I would have no control at all of direction, speed, and height. Sorry guy, but I'm going to have to pass on this.
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Grrr... fine then, I'll fix this post. But I'm not the one who posted it, I was playing Halo 3 at the time. Maybe I shouldn't keep myself logged on Forgehub because I didn't know family members could be so cruel.

    Back to the map!

    Yeah, I played this with my friend Weaponbunny and at first we were playing for real, killing each other and trying to get the bomb. But that was the problem, we could not grab the bomb. But it wasn't the game, it was the fact that the bomb was so high up in the air and hovering over a pit of death. So every time we would go off of a man cannon or a gravity lift, we would grab the bomb and fall to our deaths.

    So I recomend that you either change the location of the bomb, fix the gametype so we can either jump higher or run faster, or possibly create a larger map.

    Now I understand that it is hard to make this any larger then it is due to the lack of enough Man cannons or gravity lifts but try to make the map larger by making the pit of death something like four pits of death with two bridges going across it (interlocked) making an X with the bomb in the middle.

    I don't know how to make this any more detailed, or how to make it so this post doesn't have a little yellow rectangle in the bottom right hand side.

    And I am soooo sorry for that post earlier! Can you ever forgive me?

    But I love the idea! 3/5 stars like I said earlier... to bad whoever did that last post already rated your map.

    Sorry Shihuru for whoever did this... oh and another addition to my above idea to make it larger, space out the mancannons and gravity lifts a little bit more so we have more control of where we go. Thanks!
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    This is like a mix. If you just insulted it, I'd have said give some worthy comments. Too bad you did. If you only gave good suggestions like that, I would have agreed. Basically, I'm inbetween.
    Firstly, don't say you hate a map. That's just cold. Shihuru obviously invested time and thought trying to be original, and make a map everyone liked. I respect that.
    Second, learn how to spell in-between and without. Useful skills in future life.

    @Shihuru, try and see past the "I hate this map" parts of his post, and look at how to improve your map.
  12. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    You guys are complaining how hard it is to grab the bomb. Its not that difficult, just hold "RB" when flying near the ball. I've grab the bomb plenty of times. The problem is the way you jump in the man-cannon. If just jump straight in it and hold "RB", then grabbing the ball should be a piece of cake. If i was to set the gravity less than 200%, players would be flying too high, and they won't be able to score. The man-cannons seem to be in the right place. The whole point of the map is to be flying around around the place, basically. There is optimal room to walk around this map as well. I don't see what's the problem? But I do understand where you guys are coming from, its okay if you do not like the map. There will always be people who will not like a map, and there will ALWAYS be people who will. The game is actually fun, once you get the hang of it. You can't be the best BlitZ Ball player in 1 day, it takes time...

    So what post are you guys talking about anyway? I don't see anything?

    Thx for your feedback, i appreciate it. I intend to fix any problems with the map in the near future and Post version 2 as soon as possible.
  13. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    This map looks like you were going for Blitzball, which if you didn't know, is the exact name and almost same type of game in Final Fantasy X. Also, you take the bomb, and bring it to the other side, which is basically BlitzBall. The normal blitzball, was played in water, but yours is played in air, which is almost the same concept.

    I guess my question is, is this where you got your idea from? Then say that, and I would give you a 4/5 for a remake.
    If you've never heard of this, then very very original idea.
  14. CertifiedSaint

    CertifiedSaint Ancient
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    erm to do the tele trick couldnt u of placed something against it that still had a little space saved quit then go back in and make the box not spawn for like 90 secs then do the tele thing? cuz it wouldn't take 2 hours if you did it in an easy way like that x]
  15. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Cool map, it reminds me of Final fantasy. The game seems like it plays like final fantasy too. I guess you know you couldn't create the effect that you were in water, so you just made it seem like the were flying in air. I like it! Plus, getting the ball doesn't seem so hard, in the pictures you guys didn't have problems getting it...
  16. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Lol, the idea at first was to make a map where the players are floating, nver touching the floor, and they would have to kill their opponents with energy swords. You know, something to make them feel like they were flying. But it turns out I didn't have enough man-cannons and grav lifts.

    So I made a sports game out of it. It was originally call it Sky ball because it gives you the feeling that your flying but when I finished the map I just called it BlitZ Ball. After I posted it onto FH thats when I realized I named it after the game in Final Fantasy X.

    Yeah, getting the ball isn't so hard. Your jump height depends on how you jump on the man-cannon. If you land on it akwardly, you'll most likely mess up and land into the pit of death.
  17. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Yeah that sucks. A map where players never touch the ground would seem pretty cool. But I understand why you couldn't make the map any smaller. People have to understand that you can't make the map bigger because then that'll just ruin the idea you were trying to present. But like everyone else said though, try making a second version or a part 2 of this map. With some improvements...
  18. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    No, not actually. I was originally going for a map where players were fighting each other in mid-air. But things didn't work out, so I made this game TnT Polo like game. At the end of creating it, thats when i notice it was like the game in FFX, so I named it BlitZ Ball instead of Sky Ball.

    I think the size is perfect for 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3. But I do plan on creating another version of this map, satisfy the needs of the people who I didn't like it as much and trying to keep it similiar enough so that people who liked it at first can continue liking it...
  19. Metal Chocobo

    Metal Chocobo Ancient
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    OMG, Blitz ball!!! Can you say Final Fantasy! This looks like it has epic win sauce smeared all over it! I understand you couldn't create the under water effect, but this is just as good too. Seems like you can have a real blast with this.

    Too bad you didn't have enough grav lifts and stuff to make it bigger, it would have really made it seem like final fantasy blitz ball. More players...
  20. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Lol, i love epic win sauce. I also love this map too. Lots of people are complaining about the size, i was kinda upset about it too.
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