Grunt Arena v4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GoldnGrunt, Mar 4, 2008.

  1. GoldnGrunt

    GoldnGrunt Ancient
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    "After Master Chief won the war for the humans they got bored and decided to make an arena for grunts to fight in for the humans entertainment. It was hard but they caught the grunts and made them fight till the elites found out and sued them because of it. Now it is just used for spartans fighting each other."

    Download Map

    This is a small arena style map (symmetrical) made for close quarters combat. It was made for 4 player combat, either FFA or 2 team combat. You can also try playing up to 6 people if you like to have a chaotic enviroment. You do have a little mid range combat on the 1st floor but on the top catwalk it is all close quarters. There are 4 ways up to the top level. 1 teleporter in each base and 2 grav lifts in each other sides. Of course this map supports all of the gametypes. Had to use a lot of interlocking in order to make the map. It is also debatable wether or not you should have grenades on start or not, if you have a lot of players you might want to take them off and also the starting weapon changed to SMG, but its up to you on what you prefer.

    (1) Flamethrower (90 sec respawn)
    (1) Fuel Rod Cannon - 2 extra clips (60 sec respawn)
    (2) Covenant Carbine - 1 extra clip (10 sec respawn)
    (2) Plasma Rifles (20 sec respawn)
    (2) Magnums - 2 extra clips (30 sec respawn)
    (4) Plasma Grenades (20 sec respawn)
    (4) Frag Grenades (10 sec respawn)

    (2) Deployable Cover (20 sec respawn, no spawn at start)

    *EDIT* 3-7-08
    For anyone that cares this is a little floorplan I made a while back for the map. In the progress of making a new one for v5.

    Map Screenshots:
    Overview 1: Basic overview of map.

    Red Base: Contains the magnum and deployable cover, also against the wall you have a little platform for the flag return/bomp plant point. Surprisingly the magnum is a pretty good weapon on this map as long as you hit them in the head.

    Blue Base: Same as red base, has teleporter that leads to above platform.

    Side "A": Has the carbine on the 2nd level and plasma nades on first level next to the wall. THere are 2 grav lifts on each end for getting to the second level.

    Side "B": Same as Side "A" but with a "B" sign.

    Top Catwalk View 1: Home of the flamethrower. I tried to add a little variety in the weapons without overpowering the map. Also on the bottom level the flamethrower is really hard to use right.

    Top Catwalk View 2: Shows both of the teleporter reciever nodes.

    Bottom Level: Has 2 barricades and 2 open boxes fused into the wall/ground. The 2 open boxes are pretty good cover when your in combat but you will need to watch out for nades. There are 2 frag grenades behind each barricade.

    Bottom Hole: Contains the Fuel Rod Cannon. It took me a while to figure out a good weapon to put in the center whole because it was such a high risk to get to it that I needed a strong weapon there. I also needed it to not overpower the map, the Fuel Rod Cannon worked perfectly.

    Blue Cube: This is just a open box that I fused into the wall and it also holds the plasma rifle. Same on the opposite end but by red base.

    Now finally for the action shots of most of the chaos that has happened on this map. These screen shots are only of the FFA games that i've done. I havn't done to much testing on CTF or Assault so i'm not sure if those 2 gametypes will work well for this map, but I do know you will need to increase the points needed to win the game for CTF and Assault due to the size. Another alternative would be to decrease the respawn time on the players.

    Action Screenshots:
    Action Shot #1:

    Action Shot #2:

    Action Shot #3:

    Action Shot #4:

    Action Shot #5:

    Action Shot #6:

    Action Shot #7:

    The End:
    If you have any comments, criticism, suggestions, or if you like my map then post it here. Thank you for your time and hope you will enjoy this map.
  2. BanditK

    BanditK Ancient
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    very nicely built. but its not my type of map i like maps that make u feel trappe in with alot of places to camp and are those power ups just for base identification purposes only
  3. GoldnGrunt

    GoldnGrunt Ancient
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    Yeh, the power ups are just used for telling which base is red or blue. The sides have "A" and "B" signs for identification.
  4. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    The map looks good, I'll probably download it but my que is full at the moment. Were you inspired by Unchained?

    Peace // gorebound
  5. Airoman

    Airoman Ancient
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    Very Well Done !!
    Map is great and nice for playing 
    King Of the hill is nice clean and for fast action

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a good map for KOTH. Your action shots make it look like a great map to play FFA.

    The flower looks like you have a lot of unnecessary interlocking, but that isn't that big of a deal. Looks pretty cool man.
  7. GoldnGrunt

    GoldnGrunt Ancient
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    I'm not sure what Unchained is but if you can put up a link I would love to see it. I'm still sort of new to this site. Also thanx for the feedback on the map.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This looks like a good 1v1 map. Clean and well thought out. And I do see some similarities to Unchained, but its definitely a different map.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    2 things: how do u make it so you cant get the powerups, is it just hight or a special gametype, and all of ur weapons dont have to be on weapon holders. but i like it im gonna add it to my download list
  10. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Definately looks hectic.. nice interlocking. I cant DL tho cuz my Xbox is ruined. I have 1 complaint tho.. No Battle Rifle!? wuddafuxup!?
  11. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    That looks like a lot of fun. You should put in a couple battle rifles. You said you don't have any in the list of weapons.
  12. GoldnGrunt

    GoldnGrunt Ancient
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    In order to put powerups in the walls or other things (boxes, etc.) you first need to set the wall/box. Then you click "x" on the wall/box and set the spawn at start to no. Then change your respawn time to what you want, it is best to place markers around the box such as a wall on its side so you know where it will be because when you restart round you will know where the wall is. Restart round, find where the box is then spawn a power up. Now the hard part, you have to find where the edge of the box will be and hold the power up there, make sure that only half or less is sticking out or else you can grab it. then click start and save changes, end game and start it again. Now the power up will be placed in the wall/box. Also i know you can put weapons down normally but i just like the way they look on weapon holders =).

    I've already tried to have Br's on the map but I wanted there to be magnums too. When i play tested the map with people when there where Br's, (they where replaced by the carbine) no one even grabbed the magnums because the Br's are way better than the magnum will ever be(in Halo 3). So i replaced them with carbine's to balance it out. Now i've found people actually use the magnum now and then. It actually isn't bad on this map, takes some practice though.
  13. Xy Monster

    Xy Monster Ancient
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    Nice lookimg map. I think i would like it (I like QCB's)

    I would DL it, but my 360 is broken
  14. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    Sounds reasonable enough I suppose.. but what if maybe you just had 1 BR in the center of the map? Almost a power-weapon of sorts? Juz doesn't seem like Halo without the BR.. know what I mean?
  15. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
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    Do put some battle rifles in there, they practically make Halo.

    Otherwise, I like it.
  16. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    I find the easiest way is to mark with a shield door on the exact edge, then you just put half of it inside the shield door and half outside the shield door, makes it perfect 90% of the time
  17. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Do you have any links to versions 1 through 3?
  18. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    Yea, when you say grunt arena, i think that every weapon is a weapon a grunt has been seen using in Campaign. I don't remember grunts using Magnums, or Carbines, much less a Flamethrower. Also, why isn't there a Plasma Pistol? THATS A GRUNT'S MAIN WEAPON 90% OF THE TIME. Just replace the Plaz rifles with Plaz Pistols. Otherwise, nice map.
  19. GoldnGrunt

    GoldnGrunt Ancient
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    That actually sounds like a good idea. Cause you are right, Halo is just not halo without the BR, Probably could replace the flamethrower with the BR. I'll have to test that out with v5.

    Sadly no, but they actually weren't that good so your not missing much. I had to do quite a bit of testing to find a fair way to get this map to work out.

    Yeh, I wanted to have mainly grunt themed weapons on the map but it was hard to make good gameplay with just those weapons so I had to mix in others. Then it turned out that most of the weapons weren't even Grunt weapons(only plasma rifle was) =[. I will try and do that on v5.

    I never thought about using a shield door before. I should start trying that, thnx for the tip.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    didn't need to go into that much detail, but thanks neway. and for weapon holders, i think only covenant weapons look good with them (like ur fuel rod cannon)

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