::BR Tourny::by: o FatalAce x If you just got on xbox live and need to warm up your BR this is the map. Its Recommended to have 8 players but you can still start it with less. At the beginning 4 players will be eliminated. The remaining four will wait 20 sec for the stairs to then spawn. The victor will then be able to grab the sniper then wait 45 sec, then will enter the finals. And when you die you do not respawn. Once the last person dies it starts a new round. The person victorious will get 1 point and there's ten rounds. Also I almost forgot, you can see the next opponent you verse before you actually fight him...just to know what your up against. The Map Contains: 2xSniper / 20 sec / 0 clips 2xplasma grenade / 45 sec 1xCarbine / 45 sec / 1 clip 8xStairs / 20 sec 4xDouble Walls / 45 sec 2xDouble Boxes / 45 sec Pictures: Two Boxes which each players spawns in then 20 sec later the Stairs Spawn The Second Battle For the Sniper Rifle Then the final Battle up top 2 Overview Screenshots This is my third map post on Forge Hub. Please comment and rate my map. Map: Download BR Tourny Gametype: Download BR 4 SHOTZ
I've played another version like 1000 times. Very nice remake, did u make the original? Very good for playing mini 1 v 1's with larger parties. 9.7/10 downloading now
While this is forged well, and is aesthetically pleasing (I like the boxes that go overhead and the fence walls connecting to them), I'm not sure that the gameplay would be that fun. I can see this as a BR training map or something. Maybe even an MLG trainer since it has a Sniper and some plasmas, but I don't think it sounds like fun, which is what a map is all about IMO. But I just play halo for fun, as I haven't done matchmaking seriously in forever. Maybe you were going for a trainer, idk. But if you were you should put that in your post. I guess "warm up your BR" could be taken as train, but I used to warm up my BR by capping some fools in matchmaking so I think you should be more specific. You may be a photoshop artist, but you still can't spell. "Tourny" is spelled: tourney.
I did not make the original no, but trust me this remake is alot better compared to the old one. There are no bumps its more fair and everything is geo merged in the ground and walls. Its the way i spelled it and thats that, no reason to hate it just cause its missing a letter.
i like this idea i haven't seen it before and from the earlier posts im just gonna say great re-make 5/5
how do people stand playing multiplayer for fun, what's even good about duel weilds, assault rifles, etc. etc i just dont get it lol. Maybe you should post this up on the MLG website, ppl there will love this
I was not hating it because it was missing a letter. I was joking around that you brag about being a "photoshop artist" when you can't spell. I said what I said about the map without bias as to its name OR its maker, as I do every map (yes, that's a shot at you, STAFF). I said this is a good trainer, but that I'm not into that type of thing and that you should be more specific about it being so, so that when people look at the pics, they don't discredit you thinking that it is a map designed for Matchmaking-esque gameplay. I was just trying to help without sounding like a complete jerk, but apparently I failed, and I apologize for that.
This looks like alot of fun for people who want to improve their BR, and it is well interlocked and thought out, Oh haha i just re read it and i get it now, they don't all spawn in same spot lol, i was confused.. anyway 4.5/5 cuz of goood causes
Honestly, this is more of a mini game map. I've seen tournament maps like this one on forgehub (including the one I posted), and they've all been considered either a casual or mini game map. I think this is more of a mini game, since it's more competitive with its use of BRs as opposed to something like... swords and shotguns. A very good map concept, and this looks better and looks like it plays better that the other tourney map. Good remake.