The Great Wall Great for slayer or objective games. With plenty of cover and open areas this map will fit 4-12 players. Supports all gametypes. [img width=800 height=600][/img] The Great Wall is a symmectrical mediumish-largish map (the size of Foundry) that has plenty of stuff for all types. It has Snipers for people who like to sit and wait for their prey and plenty of Grenades, Rockets, and Brute Shots for those people who like explosions (like me . There are even two mongooses that spawn for those who like to fool around. The complete weapons/equipment is as follows: 6 ARs 10 BRs 4 Shotguns 3 Sniper Rifles 6 SMGs 4 Spikers 4 Magnums 1 Plasma Pistol 4 Plasma Rifles 2 Needlers 2 Brute Shots 2 Rocket Launchers 2 Spartan Lasers (Hidden near but not next to stairs) 2 Gravity Hammers 6 Carbines 2 Maulers 2 Sentinel Beams 2 Machine Gun Turrets 22 Frag Grenades 10 Plasma Grenades 9 Spike Grenades 2 Firebomb Grenades 2 Bubble Shields 2 Power Drains 2 Trip Mine 2 Grav Lifts 2 Regenerators 2 Deployable Covers 2 Radar Jammers 2 Flares 1 Active Camo 1 Overshield Since I am horrible at typing/writing explanations I have pics that sum up my map. The view from the weapons lockers is perfect for snipers. The Overshield spawns in the middle. Equal oppertunity for everyone. Housing a single Spike Grenade, the deathtrap is sure to be a pain for Mauler hogs. The most obvious place for a sniper to camp is on the top of the wall, which is sure to be the place of fierce battles. He was litterally blown away by my map, and you will be too. Just. . . Download Here
Sorry but this is my first time posting a map the right way, and I have never seen the map name "The Great Wall" before. If I could rename the map I would but I can't and I'm not the greatest with coming up with map names.
The name is of less importance to me than the fact that a wall in foundry has been done several times, and that you seem to have every piece of equipment and every wepon placed on the map. Crowed maps with too many power weapons = unfun. Have you tested this, and if so, with how many people?
You never heard of the Great Wall map by Lintendo? Oh well try hindrance or rampart or something like that.
Well can you guys at least try the map. I don't care if you don't like it afterward but at least try it. I'm going to bed so I'll see you guys tommorrow.
I told you what to do to make me want to play it. I gave my reasons for not downloading, and if you address them and my other question, I might DL.
I have played this map with many people over time, and none of them have complained about overcrowding. They all had fun.
Pesky please stop bumping your map up eveytime someone replies. This map is outdated along with many many others so let it die. - Brute Captain
Umm... I looked at the weapon list, and I can already say there are too many weapons. You have to make choices. First off, one sword OR one gravity hammer, MAYBE two of one or one of each but not more than 1 of each. Don't overload weapons onto maps. Limit your map to about 4 power weapons and 5 types of equipment.
Search the name of your map before posting to see if it will be confused with another. Go here;, and learn some things about how to make the map look better and easier to move on (i.e. if a contractor built a wall with parts out of place like the firebomb grenade box in pic 1 he would be fired). I'm not sure but adding up the list of weapons and powerups, 125 ways to kill on a map the size of Foundry may be a new record.