
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sloner52, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    Just made the map couple days ago finished it in 8 hours so dont expect anything 2 spectacular. i made it with CTF,Assault, and Territories in mind. i might l8r on make a video and put on here but i dont know.ill just skip all the story stuff and get 2 the pics.

    For this map 3v3 - 4v4 works about the best(i think). its completely symmetrical with blue and red bases and the pit in the middle with the platform.

    Download link: Download Link

    Link to Version 2 of this map: Protocol V.2

    A quick sketchup of an overview of map(done on just 2 give u an idea of were its at in the pics:


    The main center where all the action takes place:


    from this shot u can see one of the 2 symmetrical sniper boxes:


    another shot of the platform in the middle of the pit:


    Shot showin hallway to the center(Left) and hallway to the starting point(Right).


    Shot from starting hallway looking into first room(ps- door in back leads 2 that teams sniper box):


    This is the best shot i could get of starting point(doesnt show whole room) - the ground thats been lowered in the back right of room would be were the goal points would be(ex.. bomb,flag,territories)

    #1 sloner52, Jan 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2009
  2. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    For being forged in such a short amount of time and from what I can see in the pictures, this looks like a very well-made map. I like the idea of having the center platform over a death pit too.

    The map seems a little small in the layout I have formed in my mind, though I don't know exactly where that hallway leads to. It might be a good idea to make a paint layout of the map or something like that, so people can know what it is exactly. I think you should also more clearly point out that this is a conquest map than having "conquest" in the tabs. Don't just say territories, say "conquest (and any other territories game too)". JK
    How much testing have you done to make sure everything's balanced?

    I will post a review shortly after I play the map if and when I remember to.

  3. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
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    I dled this earlier. Excellent map. Great forging, very clean. The telleporters to outside are fun. The only things I personaly am not a big fan of, is shield doors. I just think they make cheap gameplay possible. The idea though that you can kind of bump people into the pit while they try to jump into the middle might get kind of annoying. Also it was really easy to get outside the map. Overall I really like it. I hope I can find some people to play a bunch of conquests maps. I have never played them before but they look really fun. This one would be fun to play. Excellent job and best of luck.
  4. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    What do u mean by paint layout new to fh so if u could clarify that i will try?
  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    pretty good for 8 hours you used your time wisley

    the teleporters in the middle are they death teleporters or do they send you somewhere

    if there death add a few more because there are some gaps people could just stand and shoot other players

    otherwise great job 4/5 for me
  6. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    THx man i never actually tested this map mostly caz i dont have high speed im stuck with dial-up lol. but thx for compliment man i wish i could dld urs but again i got dial up :(
  7. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I mean this. It might not be the best, but it was what I found first.

    Where is the DL link?

    Edit: Nice, lol. If made in a better editer, you could include spawns and weapons. JK
  8. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    naw i tested the teles myself ur not able 2 stand by them without getting teled 2 ur death lol
  9. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Oh, and also, I don't think there should be any shield doors in the center of the map. I don't know what you should put in instead, though. You could maybe make it a little larger and make it a room with two entrances or something like that. Maybe have two sides of it be walls and have the botton half (enough to crouch behind and shoot over) of the other sides be shield doors. If you made a v2 without the shield doors and with smaller sniper rooms, this map would be a top-drawer conquest map.
    #9 Sotha Sil156, Jan 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  10. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    Thx for the paint idea i think it will diffintily help understand maps from pics
  11. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    Thx man i think it will diff. help ppl understand map when looking at pics
  12. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    I played this map, and it was ok.
    First off, you should take out the camp-fest inside the plasma doors in the center.
    Second, more than one person can fit in your sniper towers, I would approximate three.
    Third, why do you sometimes spawn down in a little square?
  13. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    The interlocking looks smooth and well done, and this is very good for someone who usually does their first map (haha i'm waiting to do mine :p)

    It kinda looks like to me in the pictures that alot of stuff is goin on with all the barrels and teleporters so you'll stay pretty umm, un-bored? while playing

  14. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    I liked it's enclosed feel, but the map seemed to be really small. There was also alot of weapons around the map, which made me think the map would be less enjoyable.

    Your death pit was well made, however there are locations where the players can survive down there.

    Another concerning the death was the platform on top of it. I found it difficult to jump in it, and nearly fell to my death several times.

    I think the shield doors should be removed as well, as it makes capturing that territory way to easy, and fighting for it way to hard.


    - Unique Layout

    - Death Pit was a nice touch

    - Great Interlocking


    - Center room seemed very crowded

    - Center Territory seemed a little too difficult to fight for, which makes it more like a 4 territory conquest map

    - Sniper was a bit too powerful for such a small map.


  15. sloner52

    sloner52 Ancient
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    soon as i have some time ill solve the shield door problem and post new pics and new map on share

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