If you ask me I like windows vista better than mac OSX. Maybe its because all my life I have been forced to use macs and not be able to play games because most games come out on windows first, and sometimes just don't come out on mac at all. The only thing I didn't like about windows vista when I had it was that it crashed alot. BUT I know why it crashed alot! It was because my school required us to have 3 different anti-spyware and anti-virus. Since for anti-spyware is pretty much normal spyware, except you pay for it, it helps you, and it monitors any other spyware. Since there were 3 security programs, each 1 thought the other 2 were viruses or spyware and tried to get rid of them and made my computer crash. It was just coincidence though that I was also running windows vista at the same time, but I loved it so much more than macs, because I could do more things. I started to try to learn gml last year on a computer leased from my school (ran xp though). This year on my windows vista I learned different code languages like html, .bat, and coding maps for armagetron advanced (free ware game designed on linux. very fun and the game was designed to be hacked and changed. just check it out sometime) The only thing I like about Mac OSX is that it has a nice camera and it is easy to manage my itunes on. Otherwise I can't think of much else. Also the key board can be annoying for playing games that use the insert, delete, home, pgdn, or pgup keys on macs since they don't have those keys.
... My keyboard for my Mac has delete, home, page down, and page up keys. But that's besides the point; this is about the operating systems themselves. I find that I like the Mac OS better because it has a clean and simple layout. I don't mind the lack of border customization, and I don't know much about computers to customize them like some of you can. It also came with better (full) programs to begin with, albeit simple ones. Safari is also much cleaner looking in my opinion.
I'm on Windows Vista. I like it a lot; it's fast (on my laptop), it's easy to use, it looks good (lol) and even though you get about 5 choices, just go with Home Premium, or if you're a busy guy, get Business. Also, it's good for games (Windows in general, not necessarily Vista). But the bad things that I've found are that the multimedia support on my one is pretty unfriendly, and it's not very compatible with other hardware (I can't find a capture card that works with Vista for the life of me). I've never used Linux, but I know it's free. I have seen the Mac's OS and that's got pertty good multimedia support and it's quite user-friendly, but I've HEARD that it's not very good with games. Also, Klink, how is Mac's OS "not eco-friendly"?
Apple hardware has never been eco-friendly. Most PC compnies aren't either, but Apple's the worst of them all. THey're trying, though.
What are you talking about?! Their new ones are the most eco-friendly computers anywhere! Read a ****in book every once in a while, jeez. ON TOPIC: I like my OSX.5 cause I make movies, and I don't want to make **** movies, so I use my very own Final Cut Express. Windows 7 looks like it will be a good Windows OS, so I might buy it and go Parallels on its ass. All in all, I find that OSX.5 is the ultimate OS for me, with W7 coming in second.
JLA does not stand for "Justin Long Avengers." Source please? While that may be true (ever? kind of dourbtful) an "environmentally friendly computer" is like saying it's a "clean turd." E-waste has way too much of a presence in the environment. I guess we're going off topic here, talking hardware and not software. Looking back at my original post, I still agree with most of my original points, although I think I may have been a bit too harsh on Linux. Looking at the upcoming Windows 7 (Finally, a sensible naming scheme) vs. Vista... I'm not too sure. People say that Vista has problems. These people are XP or Mac users. Vista is my first windows OS, and I've not had a problem. That being said, I started with a clean slate and have not had this computer for long. People are saying that Windows 7 will be like Vista, but better. They say that M$ has an on-off operating system suckage pattern. I'm thinking of installing Ububtu on another partition to try it out, or emulate it. I'll have a more accurate evaluation of it once I do.
Not accurate the macbook air is lighter than a piece of paper lol umm ya i'm a mac guy used to be windows but i converted i do all my gaming on xbox and uhhhh ya u can still listen to non legal music and pro applications are very good plus photoshop runs very stable
Yeah, but does that make the others eco-friendly? I wasn't arguing with you, I was just wondering how an OS could have a carbon footprint, that's all.
I used to use Linux all the time for programming needs, but I kinda quit and started using Windows Vista on the current PC I am on, but on my one in my room I use Windows Xp, and I Dual Boot Ubuntu Linux, and it tends to work very well. I enjoy the Dual booting for my needs, but I have to say Windows is the best for me, because it is simple, and it works well and very well. -Zanitor
I suppose how an OS itself handles power management has a carbon footprint, but that REALLY depends on the user. An ubuntu box used only for word processing versus a crysis on high machine...
I'm a mac guy, but if Windows 7 is stable and doesn't do the things that annoy the crap out of me about windows, then I will have to check it out.
LOL Well don't bother changing. The first five minutes I tried using windows 7 I already had an issue with internet explorer freezing the dam desktop. Looks like you won't be changing anytime soon.
It shouldn't be freezing like that, what happens is everytime it's loading a page it starts freezing. I was using the 64 bit of windows 7 and wasn't going to bother to install firefox.
I think his point is that if he is using a beta of software that is new and supposed to be good, then they should at least get their internet browser working as good as the alternative