Ok,seeing as this winter is brutaly cold (esspecially to me,Ive never seen a winter this cold) I was just wondering how cold it is where you live. At middle tenneessee at the time of writing it is 30.8 degrees farenhieght. i know this isnt much compared to some of you in the north,but its bitter to me since Its usually hot. what about you?
Ha, I am lucky I live where I live. I am in the United States and the lowest it gets is 40 Fahrenheit, and only in the morning. From mid-day to dusk it is a constant temperature of 60-75 Fahrenheit. In fact today we had real nice weather: 72 Degrees Fahrenheit =)
That is because you are not in America, you have to state where country you live in if you do not live in America. Aren't you from Australia? Or was it New Zealand.
It's so cold, that I didn't have school because of it yesterday. No, it wasn't a snow-day, it was just f-ing cold.
Another 100 degree day here. Was some rain earlier but that seems to have blown away now. Might be time for another beach BBQ.
I didn't get off because it was only -10 F, and because we already got 3 days off earlier in the year due to a wind storm that lost power for most houses and schools for 3 days, some more. So now my school district doesn't want to go over 5 days, because then you have to go to more school added on the end of the year.
I've got -7 degrees in pittsburgh right now. We had a 2 hour delay on thursday (It was 1 degree above the closing school limit) and we had friday off.
it's funny how in china everyone wears fur coats and hats and stuff... while i'm walking through with like shorts and a t-shirt and everyone's staring at me... it's like 60 F right now
It got to about -35 here without chindchill a week ago (that's in C so about.... well -35 F). And they still didn't cancel busses/school, bah.
that's what SHE said! ..... we hit -30 F with the wind chill here in michigan on friday. i enjoyed it.
Well, in Memphis, Tennessee it was a cold 10 degrees but tomorrow it going to get up to the low 40's. Thursday and Friday I didn't want to get up in the morning for school because it was so cold outside. (7 degrees outside) I was hoping to get out of school for the weather but to no avail we had to go. We still haven't gotten out of school because of weather. Sadface...