Renagade is a small multi-roomed asymetrical map set on foundry. It supports all gamtypes except vip and assault. Each room is directly connected(no hallway in between) or there is a small or narrow hallway connecting the two. There are four main rooms each holding one of the powerish type weapons of the map. I say powerish type weapons because theyre not exactly power weapons but are there stronger than the other weapons on the map. The four weapons would be a bruteshot, mauler, beamrifle, and a sentinel beam. There is a narrow hallway containing a needler also. The hallway is found between the room with the mauler and the sentinel beam. below is a list of recommended party sizes for each game-type. FFA-6 ODDBALL-2v2 or 6(FFA) CTF-3v3 or 2v2 TERRITORIES-3v3 or 2v2 KOTH-3v3 or 2v2 INFECTION-works for full party (although ive only played with 6 people) when playing have zombies start at 25% of people in party. Above is rough sketch of the layout of the map. Labeling each room and the main weapon in that room. 6 battle rifles, 60sec 2clip 3 carbines, 30sec 1clip 2 SMG's, 45sec 2clip 2 plasma rifles, 45sec 2 spikers, 45sec 2clip 1 needler, 120sec 2clip 1 bruteshot, 90sec 1clip 1 beamrifle, 60sec 1 sentinelbeam, 120sec 1 mauler,120 1clip 1 of each nade except firebomb on a 10sec respawn Now for the pics The two pics above is the room wher the bruteshot is found it is also where the hill spawns in KOTH. Above is the mauler room. The mauler is located in the geomerged box to the right of the second pic. Also in the second pic you can see a small view of the needler hallway(made out of stairs). This is the central room there are two ways into it and three ways out of it. The two ways are from the mauler room and the sentinel beam room. There is a hallway that leads you to mancannon that shoots you down into the bruteshot room. Also, located in this room is the beam rifle. Which is mounted on the wall.Below is a pic of the hallway that leads up to the dropoff to the bruteshot room. This is the sentinel beam room. Its kind of claustrophobic but thats ok. At ground level there is a small room behind it which leads to the needler hallway. A pic of that room is below. Above is a pic of the needler hallway. Which again can be accessed from both the mauler and the sentinel beams backroom. Pic of the author(me)lol WARNING: there is no rocket lancher on this map iwas just playin rockets with some friends, which was pretty fun. Alright thats about it. Thanks for checking out my map guys hope u enjoy. Also if anyone would like to get a game going with me just toss me an invite gamertag: duckman620
It looks like a good map, and it looks pretty well forged, but if i'm honest it looks to small for my liking, unless it's actualy bigger, which from the pictures I can't really tell.
tight quarters rarely work well, but they might this time around, i cant really see the map well because the computer im using has bad tint, but i will probably get back to ya. also the name renegade has been taken, big time. it was the name of a featured map that just about everyone knows about, so i highly suggest you change it.
umm well i started this map like last year and just got around to finishing it so im just gonna stick with it, the name shouldnt really matter because i could name it sdjglashegou;dsfh and it wouldnt change the map or how it plays ok
I'm going to have to go with Metallic Snake on this one. I get that you already named it, have been working on it for quite some time, all that jazz. But, if only as a courtosey to others (namely TDHarding), it would be best if you changed the name. Now, that's just my advice, but it's your call. Anyway, onto the map. It's pretty nice, but, as I'm sure you are already aware of, it's pretty effin small. The weapons mounted on the wall are always a nice touch, and it's refreshing to see someone use the sentinel beam and the beam rifle once in a while. Props to you for all of the above. However, as the map is so small, it's pretty silly to have so many BRs, wouldn't you think? Additionally, the weapon spawn times are egregious. Why should somebody have to wait two minutes just for the needler to respawn? And why do the mauler, carbine and brute shot only have one spare clip? That's not much incentive to go for a weapon, if all you're going to be able to do is blow it all on one or to guys and then toss it aside. I'll give you a 4/5, if only because a 3/5 is just way too low for the amount of work you put into this. That being said, don't let the 4 go to your head. It's pretty good, but nothing spectacular. Once again, I implore you to change the name.
I'm gonna have to disagree with yall two. He made the map and so that gives him the right to name it WHATEVER HE WANTS, EVEN A NAME THAT HAS BEEN TAKEN. It shouldn't matter anyways. It's not like it affects the map just like he said. Onto the map. It looks very nice. I love the interlocking and the enclosed feeling you get. Love maps like these. I'll see if I can DL. Probably not though(not enough space) =( Great map though. 5/5
You did an amazing job forging this; the interlocking and merging look fabulous. I think it looks a little cramped for my liking, but pictures are always deceiving, so I will have to check this out on my box. Nice job though, would like to see a more open map with the skill you have. =]
This map has ALOT of thought into it, huh? The weapon placement seems well balanced, not too many power weapons, and Exceptional interlocking and geo-merging I haven't played on it yet and it seems like a very fun CQC map 4/5
well since it is a small map if i gave the mauler another spare clip it be to over powering and the bruteshot does have splash damage so it would also be overpowering in the narrow parts of the map, also when i said in the post 1clip or 2clip thats the spare clip count so technically theres two clips in the bruteshot and the mauler whichh is plenty to take out more than one person. and to everyone else who says the map is to small or not big enough for the beam rifle play the map before giving feedback because just because a map is small doesnt mean it doesnt play well.