Stickfest By freezefry 3-5 Players Reviving Halo 3 Sports “I’ve played some of the most fun games of Halo on Stickfest!” Download: Stickfest (FFA Slayer Variant) SF Official (Official Foundry Arena) Cold Storage SF (Cold Storage Arena) Must download map and gametype for it to work BACKSTORY: Due to the lack of action, UNSC marines stationed at the more remote outposts frequently grew bored. They longed for any sort of game to pass the monotonous hours of their day. One day, a clever marine had an epiphany. “Since the army will never supply us with anything for play,” he pondered, “why not use our grenades?” In this way, Stickfest was born. The addictive new sport spread like a virus across the military facilities. It was so entertaining that the marines forgot that their comrades died during the actual game. Soon enough, UNSC officials became alarmed over the increased fatality rate. “How is this happening?” they wondered. After finding the cause to be a ridiculous game called Stickfest, they banned the game forever (they were quite upset you can imagine). As time passed and the war raged on ever longer, the ‘game of old’ was reborn out of the dull marine life. It continues to be played in secret to this day. Join the fun by downloading Stickfest! GAMETYPE DESCRIPTION: Stickfest is an FFA Slayer variant in which players accumulate points only through sticks and assassinations. Sticks count as 1 point while assassinations count as 2. Don’t worry, grenades regenerate to keep your arsenal loaded at all times. The game consists of 2 rounds, each lasting until a player scores 10 points. The Stickfest gametype is meant to be played on small to medium sized arenas capable of accommodating 3-5 players. These arena-style maps contain grav lifts to add to the fun. OFFICIAL SB: Foundry, being the only map where one can forge with just about no limits, is the setting of the official arena for Stickfest. The map is a medium sized rectangular arena with high walls. Above this rectangular arena floats four suspended cages in which players spawn at the start of the game. Before dropping down into the arena, these players can attempt to stick one another from their cage during the first few seconds of the game. (See pictures below if this is confusing) Beware! If you decide to camp by not dropping down into the arena, fusion coils will spawn in your cage. For the more stubborn out there who find this unconvincing, your cage will be sealed by a wall that spawns 10 seconds after the fusion coils. You are then forced to commit suicide to respawn down in the arena. The unpredictable start and flawless gameplay makes the Official Stickfest arena a map of epic proportions. COLD STORAGE SB: This map is in the half of Cold Storage’s main area where the rockets are located. The raised platform and walkway make the gameplay absolutely insane and fast-paced, I mean, REALLY fast-paced. With 3 players, the action never stops, but with 5 players, you can only imagine how crazy everything gets. You will constantly be moving, jumping, and chucking nades, guaranteed. The four grav lifts make the gameplay even more hectic. You will not play many games this insane... check it out. HINTS & TIPS: Assassinations will win you the game. Above all, be a ninja and go get some 2 point back-smacks. If you stand still in the corner of the map, people will think you are not playing and walk up real close to stick you. If you pull it off right, you will end up with the stick, not them. Bouncing a frag off someone is quite a let-down in Stickfest; make sure you’ve got your stickies out. Although constantly jumping off grav lifts will make you a hard target, it is also hard to stick your enemies. Balance your grav lifting out. Sometimes getting a beat down can be helpful even if you are not getting points. Doing so will get you a few seconds of fewer opponents in an otherwise hectic match. I realize there have been many forms of another game called Stickball. Having played most of them, I can tell you that mine plays differently. I decided that I would wrap up this celebrated gametype with a bang. Download: Stickfest (FFA Slayer Variant) SF Official (Official Foundry Arena) Cold Storage SF (Cold Storage Arena) Must download map and gametype for it to work
Haha. The Foundry map looks well forged and fast paced. I also like how you used another map besides Foundry as an alternate arena. Queened.
looks cool and well forged in foundry and it is a nice setting in coldstorage. my only question is on the pic above in foundry, it says " hold A to duel-wield". ????????????? how can you play like that. i have all the buttons at default setting. A-jump, B-melee, X-equipment, Y-switch weapon. how could it possibly be easier to duel-wield with the A button. Im just baffled that you would even try it. uhhhggg well all in all this map looks pritty good. ill give it a 4/5 from the looks. nice job
please dont take all credit for making this game type its been around forever your just the first to make an arena and post it you might of came up with the maps but definentally not the game type its been around forever
When did I say I invented the gametype? I am well aware that there are other stick-oriented gametypes. And no, I did not make an arena and then just rename the original gametype, I designed my own with specific scoring, weapons, time limits, and rounds. I'd prefer you read the thread and then posted a helpful comment. May I ask why not a 5/5? Are mini-games just not your thing? I love to get all the feedback I possibly can. And by the way, I use bumper jumper.
not the most original idea but these games are so much fun. also i like how you made the maps simple and not to claustrophobic although it will be pretty hard to stick somebody while constantly flying through the air.
IMPORTANT!!! Please don't say that this idea is unoriginal. After looking through all the other "stick-oriented" maps on Forgehub, I concluded that most were not well-forged and thought out. I wanted to post a map that concluded this genre of mini games. I realize that this is not a new concept, but I believe I brought the concept to its height and perfection with Stickfest.
I have made a map just like this on snowbound a long long time ago... anyways, great map, but I do not think I will download, I do not know why but I will not 4.4/5