This level Makes Base Warz 1 Look like ****. Best played with 8 players for team game types and 6 people if your going to do a free for all. I strongly recommend 4v4 Multiflag for this level. have fun Download Base Warz MKIII here: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Weapons List: All Weapons Vehicle List: 2X Warthog normal 2X Gauss 2X Ghost 2X Mongoose 2X Wraith 2X Chopper Upgrades from Base Warz 1: Straightened all of the boxes and built better mini bases. also added the flame thrower Upgrades from Base Warz 2: Placed More Spawn Points/Objective Spawn Points, added Wraith and tunnel to the middle.
ummm i believe you need at least one picture minimum to display your map. if you do not fix this, your map will be locked.
hello, and welcome to forgehub please read the rules before you begin posting- you need pictures of the map a detailed description of your map. a link and more and anyone that posts this same message beyond this point- is spam
And would you two care to provide a link? Here's a link to Sweeny's incredibly helpful guide on screenshots, take head of it: You may want to include a more thorough description of your map too. E.g. Weapons List, ideas, update from V1 Good luck and could you provide us with a link of V1, I can't seem to find it.