LINK Tutorial at bottom, it is probably needed. The zombie has taken over the control board! Escape the streets and get to higher ground. Watch out though! The zombie has found out how to use the automated defense systems! Hello, and welcome to v2 of my map, Trapnesium. What is new: More interlocking Straighter walls and paths More traps Old traps are now more responsive Some honor rules fixed Some of the pictures that are used are from v1, if they are, I will point it out and explain the changes. Trapnesium is a rather inventive, creative map that I decided to make after playing Iraqui Tunnel(which sucks). In that map you would hope the zombie would run into obviously marked traps or you would hit a button to delay him(which would usually kill you in the process). So, I decided to make a map that like that, but with a twist. Trapnesium is an Infection game where the zombie tries to eliminate the humans with dumpsters, trucks, explosions and suicide paths/pits. All of these traps are activated by switches: Min/Max, Powerups, Wires and some Jumps. Now, onto the pictures and an explanation of the traps. There will be a difficulty rating next to each trap mentioned below. Hard, Medium and Easy. These ratings are from the humans point of view, meaning how easy/hard it is for them to pass. Also, trap names are in RED. OVERVIEW(Of zombie's area): v1! There is now another trap located at the corner wall, pictured on the left wall. Also, the walls are now straightened out and the cone blocking the teleporter at the top of picture is now gone. IMPORTANT!!! there are some things that you will have to explain to your party during the lobby. First off, if they spawn as the zombie, there will be a grav lift(equipment) in front of them(A), they must pick it up. Then, they must throw it at one of the barrels behind the two fence walls in front of them(B). One or the other, it doesnt make a difference until the end. To exit this area and reach the main area, simply turn around and walk through the opening in the walls. The walls are there to prevent the humans from seeing which barrel you unblocked. A(Note: Fence walls are crooked for a reason, so that the barrel will get pushed backwards, and so that the human can't wait out the round inside. The cracks allow the zombie to hit them through the fence if they must.) B JUMPS If they spawn as the humans, make sure they don't move when they spawn. Spawn is the front fence box that is barely showing at the bottom left of the below picture. Difficulty: Easy to Hard. Depending on skill level. The humans must jump across the gap and then one more gap, the second gap has a door in the middle that you have to land on, then jump across. The twist is that your gravity is at 150%. The majority of your party will die on one of those gaps. Also, the door doesn't spawn until 20 seconds into the match, this is to give the zombie some time to catch up to the humans. Crate-Launching-FAILbox-Teleporting-Machine(Or Crates) Now, for the first trap. The crate-launching-failbox-teleporting-machine. To activate, simply hit the grav lift(A) with your sword and try and launch the humans into the teleporters above(B)(Which bring them to the fail box, picture is near bottom of post). The first two crates are death crates, the third one is a safe zone. Difficulty: Easy A B Pallet Wall Next up we have my favorite trap! The wall of pallets(A). Dont worry theres nothing there to worry about(B). NEW! The trap is activated by touching the barrel(C). It is also harder to run back behind the corner, as there is a gap you must jump! Also, the truck goes at different speeds each time, and will sometimes hug the left wall, and other times it will hug the right wall, it all depends on luck. Also, the truck will sometimes block the path. Just keep hitting it until it moves, or try jumping it. Difficulty: Medium - Hard, depends on your luck. A B V1!!! Straighter walls now C Fusion Coil The third trap is rather simple, a fusion coil that falls in a constant loop after activation(A). You have to time your run right and make it behind the shield doors, or you'll be blown off the edge(or lose most of your shields)(B). Difficulty: Medium A B Bridge The next trap is just like the Wall of Pallets. Remember the Deployable Cover that was on the stairs when you first walked up(A)? Well you better have picked it up, cause you're gonna need it. The humans have to run across a bridge, no strings attached, guaranteed (B). To activate it, simply toss down the Deployable Cover(C), so it can be activated from anywhere on the map. Difficulty: Medium A EDIT: Picture limit reached , you'll see where it is, you pretty much have to pick it up. B V1!!! Interlocked path C Dumpsters(Red and Blue) The next two traps are activated by picking up a Powerup, which in return shoot out a dumpster. Difficulty: Medium V1!!! Gap at the bottom of the picture is now fixed, new trap added there as well. Death Path The second to last trap was activated right at the start of the map. Remember the grav lift? Well, your decision at the start will decide wether or not the zombie will live! If you unblocked the barrel on the left, the left path will be unaccesible and will instead teleport you back to where the barrel was unblocked. Difficulty: Hard(50/50) (Note: This picture is taken from behind the trap, so left is right and right is left, only in the picture) Scenery Trap And the final trap, the scenery trap. It is simple to activate, simply touch the barrier(A) and hit the humans just when they think they're home free(B)! Difficulty: Medium - Hard. Depends on your LoS. A B (Note, this picture shows the final area, after going through the death path, you will come out here.) If you survive the scenery trap, then you are home free. Simply take the teleporter to arrive atop the zombie spawn area. Don't forget to pick up a BR, Sentinel Beam, or Shotgun though!(A) Also, there is a Rocket Launcher shrine, which, I guess is the super omega secret trap Shrine (Don't tell your party about this one!). If someone tries to pick up the Rocket Launcher(B) they will be teleported to the FAILbox!(C) v2: Harder to cheat the Rocket Launcher teleporter system...thing. A V1!!! The teleporter is no longer a circle, it is now just a single teleporter B C FailBox pictured above! v2 This is where the first trap will teleport you to. There is one flame grenade inside. If you don't commit suicide, then three minutes in a flamethrower will spawn, allowing the zombie to burn you from the outside. More v2 Changes: Gametype lasts four minutes, however the paths become blocked off after three. After three minutes the zombie can leave his starting area and reak havoc, however, humans still do have a fighting chance. The zombie can now pick up weapons, so if one person finishes and is killed by the zombie, the zombie can pick up the weapons. LINK Honor Rules: If you fall in one of the gaps or off the edge of the path, use one of the grenades provided to suicide(You won't lose a point) If you are the zombie, use the grav lift at spawn to activate the trap, don't use it to break the map. At the Deployable Cover truck, it is sometimes possible to climb ontop of the truck and back on the map, don't do it. And last but not least, the gametype: Watch Out!. GAMETYPE LINK General One life per round No loss for Suicide No friendly fire Waypoints over EVERYONE Humans 110% damage resistance Spawn with Energy Swords 90% speed 150% grav White No radar No grenades Weapon Pickup ON NO SHIELD REGEN Zombies 150% damage resistance 50% Shield Regen 125% speed Wepaon Pickup ON 200% grav Spawn with Energy Sword No radar Purple GAMETYPE LINK Known Issues: Zombie using grav lift to break map Zombie hitting humans through the wall when at the Pallet Wall(If theyre hugging the wall) Humans not killing themselves and waiting 4 minutes until round end(v2 Partially fixed!) Truck temporarily blocking the path at the Pallet Wall Quick Tutorial: Important parts in red. Zombie: When you spawn as the zombie, you will notice an odd structure with a wall dividing it in half and a barrel blocking a teleporter in each. When you walk up to it, you will probably notice that you have picked up a grav lift. You need to use this quickly, so that the humans don't get a jump start on you. Walk up to one of the barrels(As close as possible) and throw a grav lift down. The barrel should go flying up in the air, unblocking the teleporter. Now, turn around and walk go through the opening in the wall. Walk behind the fence box and up the bridge stairs. You will pick up a deploayble cover, keep it. Now, take the left stairs and go over to the wall opening thing with the shield door in'll know what it is when you play. When you see the door spawn in the middle of the gap(Veiwable when you look through the wall opening), you should head to your right, to the grav lift that is on the reciever node. Now, when you see a human approaching the crates you need to hit the grav lift with your sword. This will cause the crates to go flying upwards. After this head right, notice the odd structure with two barrels at the base. When you see a human enter the long corridor(They have waypoints), simply walk into the barrel and wait for some kills. Now, once again, walk to your right and hit the fusion coil, even if no one is there. Now, when if any humans are still left, wait for one to walk onto the center of the bridge and hit X to throw your deployable cover and cause the truck to come flying at them. Again, go to your right up the mini bridge ramp and hit Ovyz and Invizy when a human is lined up with them. I know your getting bored of going right by now, but you haz to!!!! Wait for the human to pick a path(The grav lift at spawn activated this trap) and if they survive, wait for them to walk along the mini bridge in the back and touch the barriers located next to you. If any humans are still alive, hide and hope for one, or both, of two things. Either the human will get greedy and go for the rocket launcher [COLOR=Black]or they will go through the teleporter and [COLOR=Red]come out at the top of the map. Don't count yourself out yet, your handy dandy sword can still take out them darn humans! [COLOR=Purple]Humans: [COLOR=Black]If you spawn as a human, don't walk forward. The first "trap" that you must avoid is two jumps. [COLOR=Red]The first is simple and the second is an average jump. However, you have 150% gravity. Wait 20 seconds for the door to spawn in the middle of the second gap.[COLOR=Black] After making the jump you should notice that there is a zombie with a waypoint over his head watching your every move, don't let him kill you . See the [COLOR=Red]crates on the ground? Yeah, well, if you stand on the first two for too long, you'll die, the third one is safe though. [COLOR=Black]Make the little jump across to the double box and [COLOR=Red]walk down the hall, watch out for oncoming traffic, however. [COLOR=Black]At the end of the hall make a right, [COLOR=Red]get behind the shield doors, cross the bridge without getting knocked off by the truck, make another right and avoid the flying dumpsters, jump across the small gap, make a choice to take the left or right path. Cross the mini bridge without dying and go through the teleporter. [COLOR=Black]Use the pictures as references[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
I like the difficulty idea, that's pretty cool. It's like Fallout 3 where u try to pick the lock and it shows the difficulty. Good job.
No offense, but is that all you can comment on? You said nothing about the map except "Good job." You compared it to Fallout, which it is nothing like. The only thing that is similar is like you said, the difficulty, which is just something I wrote up in the post...
honestly a little hard to understand so I'll just have to download it and try it out. It looks pretty original but again in order to really understand it you'll just have to play it. Nice job.
If you load it up in forge you NEED to start a new round. Also, I posted a quick tutorial at the bottom.