
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by oTACTITIONo, Mar 6, 2008.


    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    Bungie Map Link:

    After about 25 hours of work and a unheard amount of redbulls...this map is FINALLY done!

    ROOFTOPS was made to resemble a urban setting complete with multi-floored buildings, skyways, tunnels, alleys, cars, AND bustops! *exhale* There are four main buildings, three of which are three stories high and the last is four stories high. This map was made primarily for Team Slayer or Multi-Flag, but it works well for most gametypes. The whole idea is to get as high as you can and control the rooftops! (Hence the name) Most of the power weapons are located on the top floors of each building. So the faster you get yourself and your team to the top, the better off your going to be. Don't worry too much because there should always be at least one extra battle rifle layin around!
    The main skyway contains a shotgun that is perfect for base defense and the tunnel has the "all powerful" rocket launcher. One of the most contested items on this map is the gravity lift which is planted right in the middle on the bottom floor. The grav lift is extremely useful for assault and capture the flag if you want to jump into the enemy base quickly and catch your enemy by surprise. This map challenges you to watch your radar and work together with your team mates while being able to control the key points of the map. I also reccomend this map for anyone who likes to play MLG because there are many battle rifles and the layout itself is challenging and fun.
    **Inspired by Intersection(link), originally created by Lintendo64. The general layout is the same with 4 bases, but the bases themselves are very different.

    Playable With:
    • 2-12 players (Recommended)
    • Up to 4 teams
    • Slayer
    • Capture the Flag
    • Assault
    • Oddball
    • VIP
    • Infection

    Weapons and items:
    Rooftops is mainly a battle rifle map usually with one battle rifle at the top and the bottom of each base. There is one sniper for both sides, one low ammo shotgun for each, and a highly contested rocket launcher under the tunnel. Smack in the middle of the map is the grav lift which is perfect for assault and capture the flag. Some preset duel setups are also laying around the map. For example, the magnum and a SMG are sitting right next to eachother in one of the bases if you are a duel lover.

    Number~Weapon Type~Respawn Time~Extra Clips
    • 7~Battle Rifle~30~2
    • 2~Sniper Rifle~120~2
    • 2~Shotgun~120~0
    • 1~Rocket Launcher~150~0
    • 2~Spikers~30~2
    • 2~SMG~30~2
    • 1~Plasma Rifle~30
    • 1~Magnum~30~2
    • 4~Plasma Grenade~10
    • 2~Spike Grenade~10
    • 2~Flame Grenade~10
    • 1~Grav Lift~150
    • Other Assorted Equipment~90

    I have some good pics of the outside of the bases, but the insides are pretty close quarters so I couldn't get that many good pics. DL the map and check the map out for yourself so that you get the whole experience. There are many other unique things on this map that were hard to depict through screenshots. I tried my best to capture as much of it as I could and I added some more pics to help you out.
    Again, just download the map and check it out for yourself and then come back and tell me what you think.
    A bug's eye view. Looking above from the bottom floor.
    The Skyway, definately one of the best features of this map. You can push the fusion coils off the edge to hit unsuspecting victims in the center of the map.
    A pic of the two main rooftops. There is a elevator grav lift system that brings you up to the top and the tunnel ramp is right inbetween these two buildings.
    This portion of the map is on the back wall where one of the sniper spawns. Great for sneaking the bomb around the side of the base.
    Another view of the sniper spawn. In this view you can see that you can hug the back wall and walk around. Just watch out for the fusion coils in the fence box under the sniper.
    The Tunnel, this is a highly contested portion of this map because both teams spawn about the same distance away. You can either walk under it or drive over it.
    An outside view of the tunnel. The warthog turret can shoot over the door barriers and the fence box jutting out from the side of the base can see in and support a team member who is going for the rockets.
    Inside the tall base, this is where the attacking flag spawns. If your on the fourth floor, you can see all the way down to the bottom.
    The attic: This is the fourth floor of the tall base. The sniper is sitting in one of the open single containers and the height provides a perfect sniping position.
    The Garage: Both types of warthogs ready for some bloodshed. The hogs can drive around and through the intersection, but good luck staying alive for long.
    View of one of the bases and the garage from the top of the skyway.
    Epic RvB battle inside the defending base. For the record...RED WON! HA! :squirrel_jaffa:
    Bus Stop 1: The Bus Stop, this is where the defending team will spawn. Comon, it kinda looks like a bus stop.
    Red team maneuvering as a team. The warthog is taken advantage of the tunnel to get some air. :squirrel_wink:
    Blue team taking advantage of the base turret to reap some havoc. There are 7 dead bodies and only 2 alive in this pic. THIS IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT BABY! :squirrel_evil:

    LIGHTSOUT225 (From post):
    **Comments, Ratings, and Opinions are very appreciated! This is my second slayer map, so your comments or critiques are very helpful.

    I hope you like this map as much as I do!
    ~~~~~THANKS and ENJOY~~~~~
  2. AlExThEgReAt22

    AlExThEgReAt22 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks awesome! nice job TAC
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    This looks very good. I really like it. Good use of design and interlocking.
  4. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I agree. Very great map.
  5. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Wow it looks like you can copy intersection
  6. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good job. I really like it.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks fun, I like the catwalk from the one building to the other. I'll check it out.

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a good map from the pictures, but the pictures are a little small
  9. Day0fJustice

    Day0fJustice Ancient
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    the only thing that makes this look like intersection is the fact that there are two tall buildings and this is in foundry.
    it seems like things may be inspired from Intersection but its by no means copying.

    i think the map looks sweet and its got my download.
    bigger pictures would help though
  10. blamedraptor

    blamedraptor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks so awsome
  11. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, will download. I'll reply again to it later after i test it
  12. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    Here's a tutorial on how to post a map. I appreciate you taking the time to do a great post as well as what looks like a pretty cool map. Im gonna dl now.
  13. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    This looks nice dude.. the pics are almost a little too small, but I am able to make out enough to know that I wanna try this map out. I love a map with as much goin on as this one appears to have without being overbearing. Great post as well. Q'd up a DL for myself.. **thumbs up!**
  14. Supergooseberry

    Supergooseberry Ancient

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    Wow, I played this yesterday with you! this is a pretty tactical map. qued
  15. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This does look good but I wish the screens were somewhat larger. - Brute Captain

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you read the description, you will see that the inspiration was from Intersection. The map is completely different except for having four bases with the intersection in the middle. I'll highlight that area and red so that people will see that I did site my sources.

    As for the other comments, I will load larger pics as soon as I get the time. Thanks for the support everyone.
  17. abixenator

    abixenator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks fun. It isn't sloppy, so that's also good. 9/10
  18. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Completely different other than having the same layout, number and types of buildings, general design? It looks good from the pics, but so does <i>Intersection</i>.

    Ok...there are some noticeable differences in this map and some interesting nooks. If you want asses like me to stop talking about how much it looks like <i>Intersection</i> and stop passing it over for DL because of that, remove the pics that remind people of <i>Intersection</i>. There seems to be more to the map than the four buildings with identical catwalks as those in the other map, so show those things off.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Atheos, I will add some more pics of the differences when I get the time.

    Thanks for the suggestion.
  20. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was not trying to be a jerk at all, I just type like one. This seems to be a good map so please do not take it the wrong way.

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