Atonement V~II

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Aschur, Jan 17, 2009.


How many stars do you give me?

  1. One: Horrible

  2. Two: Not so good

  3. Three: Needs help

  4. Four: Ok

  5. Five: Average

  6. Six: Pretty

  7. Seven: .......

  8. Eight: Good map

  9. Nine: Not perfect but oh well

  10. Ten: Feature NAO!!!

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Reigning Chaos


    Supports all gametypes
    Suggested gametypes: land grab, team king, one flag, team oddball, team slayer

    -Weapon spawns-
    Key: green is the weapon, yellow is the amount of that weapon on the map, orange is the spawn time for the weapon, red is where the weapon spawns at

    Spartan laser x1 180 sec On center archway
    Smg x2 60 sec On top of little tunnels near center
    Battle rifle x2 60 sec On towers
    Sentinel beam x2 90 sec Below mancannons
    Needler x2 90 sec Next to mancannons
    Spiker x2 45 sec Next to ramp out of bases

    Spike grenade x4 60 sec Next to ramp out of bases
    Plasma grenade x4 30 sec On towers and middle platform
    Bubble shield x1 120 sec On midle platform
    Regenerator x2 180 sec In ditches next to lifts to towers


    After the discovery of the covenant, small structures such as this were reclaimed from the environments which they resided and used for training exercises, ones that later would spawn the first spartan soldiers.
    This station was used to train marines in variances in weapon types, but however was attacked by a fleet of covenant cruisers.
    Now nearly 20 years later the unsc finds this relic of the old training station orbiting earth, always staying near the moon. It was discovered that this training platform was still functional and provided important intel on the covenant, intel that could make up for the ingnorance of the human race, but at what cost...

    Atonement is a free-standing map separate from blackout, it has been budget glitched to an extent and features color-coding.(intentionally making boxes certain colors and keeping them that color) I was inspired by public servent and began this project about 4 months ago.

    The only difference between this and the old version is fixed spawns

    Defenders side overview

    Defenders side

    Defenders side tower

    View of defenders side from middle

    Center platform (powerups are aesthetic)

    Center archway

    Center bottom (overshield is aesthetic)

    Attackers side overview

    Attackers side

    Attackers side tower

    View of attackers side from middle



    Thanks to all of you who helped me, whether or not it was minor like testing, or major like public servents inspiring me and teaching me to color code the boxes, or deathtoll77 showing me how to place spawn zones, and sovereignvalor pointing out the need for the shield doors by the mancannons. Thanks, please download and rate then message me if you have any problems with it.

    Thanks to all of you, please tell your friends or whomever you please. Special thanks again to public servent whom taught me to color-code (if you dont know how to send me a message via xbox live to my gamertag reigning chaos and I'll teach you too)

    Please download and play before you post anything, and remember I will report any spam on this new thread, I'm not going to allow it to get cluttered with it like the old thread.

    If you have any comments or questions please send them to my gamertag, Reigning Chaos


    Both Pictures at the top and bottom are links to the map. and remember to turn screen brightness to highest
  2. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    great job, i especially like all the red boxes, how did you do that anyway
  3. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've always loved these maps that are out of Blackout. :)

    They are always forged very well and i remember seeing the first one, and freaking out lol.

    I love how you used all red boxes too, making it look more, umm, together? haha

    anyway, 4.9/5
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, nice spam and bad review in the same post.

    I'm glad you fixed the spawn system (I agree it needed a bit of tweeking and you seemed to have accomplished that). However, you're not going to get a good amount of downloads because there are no significant changes to the ACTUAL MAP. I still like the map though, it looks great and makes a good CTF map.

    WARNING: Do not play FFA Slayer on this map! Results may vary from doing so.
  5. Val

    Val Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I cannot believe such a complete *****. You have NO idea what makes a good map. The interlocking on this map is superb. I espeacially like the look of the centre platform. And very well done for colour coding the boxes. I kow how much of a nightmare they can be.
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its a pretty nice map, how you got all red boxes and nothing else is pretty cool.
    but the map looks like it lacks much cover and is a little open.
    open spots that i see:
    defenders side
    attackers side

    they are all very open and just have a bump or a shield door to protect them
    also- why not blue? it would look nicer with blackout because it blends into the ice

    other than that- its a pretty good map- i would rate 5 or 6/10
  7. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks great. I still have the first version of this one. Ill DL this one and delete the other. Good job. 9/10.
  8. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks well made, probably feature worthy but I do have to give notice about this map because since its in the air it must of take a long time, so nice job. I'll download check it out, and recommend it to some people. Nice job.
  9. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The reason I made it red is because if I made it blue I knew I'd get even more spam about it looking too much like another map, which it doesn't even look like. Its supposed to be open, and no I'm not going to add anything to make it less open.
  10. Sensei Salami

    Sensei Salami Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, this is a great map... all the red flows together very nicely. I played some slayer on this and it was fine so i dont know what the one guy is talking about but it completely rocks for ctf.
    Great work and keep it up dude.

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