Mine would have to be Meet the Spartans it just wasn't funny at all! I mean come on and you would think they would learned from Date movie, but no! They release another steaming pile of crap called Disaster movie. Also Batman & Robin I mean come on their suits had nipples!
A better sig would be the dead guy with the carrot. Anyways, I hated Babylon AD the most. It just had so much potential and still sucked. Thats what pissed me off the most.
I would have to agree with you Whujios, a lot of the movies they made were terrible. Also, i would have to say Shark Attack 3 and maybe Troll 2 oh and Silent Night Deadly Night 2...yep youtube those last three
This is an odd one- Dead Alive. It is a horrible movie, but it is so entertaining to watch. I actually own it, lol.
Be Kind, Rewind and The Happening both sucked extremely bad.. BKR was NOT funny whatsofreakinever, i give it a epic fail -2/10. happening wasnt scary, somewhat interesting story, but i gives a 0/10
I have to disagree. Sure the plot is random and is far from plausible. But the movie itself is fun to watch. Punch Drunk Love, Sandler's worst movie. It's a travesty that it exists.
I would have to disagree with you about Be Kind Rewind. That movie was pretty funny, better then most other movies i've seen that head towards comedy. But hey everyone has different senses of humor, mine is just very open and i can laugh at almost anything.
Disaster movie pissed me off, Just a random stream of Spoofs that were NOT funny. The only timed I chuckled (not even a laugh) was the Superbad and Beowulf Spoofs. I actually had a couple of laughs with Meet the Spartans but this was*bleep*ing horrible.
The movie: Fools Gold. Matthew McConaughey... nuff said. But really, it was just one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. You know, one of those movies so ridicuously bad that you just laugh. The directors and actors were like, "Epic Movie of the Year" but it was like, "Superbad 2". lol The acting sucked. Just bad ****. Like, ... idk. Just ridicuously bad. lol. words dont describe. Anyway... yea. Definitely the worst movie I have ever seen.
Epic fail on your part, for actually taking the time to watch the movie. I gave up on the whole franchise and wished death upon them ten minutes into Epic Movie.
Agreed. I knew Be Kind Rewind would suck, so i avoided it, but I accidentally got dragged along to watch The Happening with my friend without reading any reviews. Seven Pounds, Will Smith's new film, was given 1 star by Empire. It's meant to have an awfully confusing plot. Has anyone seen it?
I'd have to say Zach and Mirni make a Porno. Some of you may disagree, but most of the "hilarity" in this movie was crap jokes and akward situations, without any original humour. It wasn't even that hot of a movie. If you actually thought the sex scenes in the movie were hot, you have a sick mind. I even found the movie too awkward to watch alone. Overall 1/10 because I chuckled once