ok,I have a question.are the flood in halo wars? my friend says there is because he saw it in a magazine (with no logical evidence,he doesnt even subsribe to said magazine) I say there arnt. halo wars takes place before the events of halo:ce. halo:CE is the first time humans learned about the halo rings. the halo rings are the only place (to any gamers knowledge)that the flood exist. thus, the flood wernt on harvast,A.K.A where halo wars takes place. so the flood arnt on harvast,or halo wars.
There is, I saw it at the end of a vid. The SoF crashed and it's crew must have bin mutated before they could call for help.
I went to market place and went to halo : Wars. Watch the preview. At the end of the video it says there are flood. So yes, there are flood in Halo : Wars.
Wouldn't it suck to control the flood in multiplayer? No vehicles or tanks, and its hard to beat a squad of scorpians and pelicans with a couple of tank forms lol.
yeah, but il bet the flood have the ability to comandeer vehicles and infect humans/elites, theres probably some other stuff that they can do.. by the way, what is the human's equivalent to the scarab?
The flood are encountered in the campaign only, google search it it's been confirmed by Graeme Devine.
It's eitheir the MAC gun, powers or Spartans. Any of those three could be it or a fourth option... And yes, the Flood are in it but not playable. Though, I think the game is going through a sub faction method in which you select your army then the commander who has his own secial units unique to his subfaction, for exampla, the Brute Chieften has Brutes instead of Elites.
I doubt the flood would be in it unless they inplemented a horde-style mode. Also, the elephant would probably be the Scarab equivalent, or maybe a new vehicle...
The Flood are in as uncontrollable units. They're on the map and they attack everyone on the map. And the Elephant is a mobile barracks.
It would suck if the Flood were. That would ruin the whole storyline. As you can see, in Halo 1 the Flood only appear after the Covenant unleash it. So the Flood were locked up at one point. How did they get locked up again?
Who says that was the first place the Flood appeared? Lots of places like the Herectic station could have exhisted! And, I'd rather they add the Flood for Skirmish.
Actually, harvest was only defended by a handful of militia, so to have the entire game take place their would be inacurate, and yes, humans did only find out about the flood after the events of Halo:CE. I could see them being used in multy, but otherwiswe they shouldn't be in the game. Sounds like whoever is making this game is doing a bad job.
Its not actually made by Bungie. And how do you know that the humans, (only one ship is actually in the story) doesn't get a message back to earth about the flood? They could be in more places than one my friend. Hell they even make it to you on the Ark.
... Just because MC told the UNSC about the Flood doesn't mean that any other humans saw the Flood and didn't live to report it. And Ensemble. Bad game. Do not go together in a sentance.
Ensemble only stated that the Flood would be in the game but not playable. They could be present in both the Campaign and Multiplayer, as an uncontrollable force. They have integrated many other entities into both the Campaign and Multiplayer, including sentinels, and many forms of primitive species that live on the planet, so having the flood in there too would be perfectly reasonable. I do believe that you all die at the very end of the campaign too, which would explain the presence of the flood and how it corresponds with the Halo timeline.
Yea, then how did they disappear on those locations? The only way they can get defeated is by activating the rings. Then they would starve to death.
The rings are the easiest way, not the only way. And besides, do you need to kill the Flood? No. The only reason the flood could even fly the ships is because one of them managed to assimilate a starship pilot. What I'm saying is, the flood could still be in those locations but unable to go anywhere due to no ships being available or maybe they never managed to infect someone who could drive the damn things.