Finally after much testing and a little bit of forging, I've finished version 3, the final version. Endangerment is a very vertical map, with multiple invasion points for every power point. You can run up ramps to get anywhere but sniper tower, which you have to use the grav lift in the back, or use one of the jump ups. Also there's a lot of jump ups, a few grav lifts, and a tele-lift. The entire flat surface of the 2nd floor is geo-merged. Download Endangerment here Gametypes: Free for all only, 5 players recommended, Slayer Koth and Oddball **This map is not budget glitched** Here's some pics First overview, looking at the sniper tower and top mid. Notice the shotgun, as that will be the focal point going clockwise for the next for pictures. Directly across from the sniper is another control point I'd like to call 'br tower', that leads to the catwalks Here we see the catwalks, the ramps leading from shotgun, and most of the center building Turning a little bit more we see what I would like to call 'carbine tower' Another overview pic, with part of the sniper tower, carbine tower, and the long wall, which has a hallway behind it. The part of the hallway directly behind sniper The room at the bottom of the hallway, which leads up to a platform in the long wall A view of the staircase behind 'br tower', looking from the corner by sniper tower A sort of random view below catwalks/br tower showing the telelift, which takes you from the floor into 'br tower'. The telelift also makes you show up on radar to br tower before you actually get up there, so be wary The final picture is just a view from underneath carbine tower. Weapon list: Sniper rifle x1/ 150 second respawn/ 2 extra clips shotgun x1/ 180 second respawn/ 0 extra clips Battle rifle x4/30 second respawn/2 extra clips/ run time minimum 3 carbine x2/ 30 second respawn/2 extra clips/ run time minimum 1 Power drainer x1/ 120 second respawn plasma grenade x2/ 45 second respawn/ top level-at the ledge between 'br tower' and 'sniper tower' plasma grenade x2/ 30 second respawn/ 2nd level, in the wall corner between 'sniper tower' and 'carbine tower' plasma grenade x2/ 20 second respawn/ 1st level, in geo-merged single box under carbine tower near shotgun Download Endangerment here thanks to- SHAWN4japan psyko nave TheMaster121 SubmarineSkull Altair214 Phenom I 7o6 PillsforSleep Teh n00bers l BMAiNe l SoleMer Hadokenchild jawfish49 special thanks to- HezbollaHector; for making suggestions for a few aesthetics MLG Blanked; for being a good friend, making suggestions, and chillin while forging
this is quite an origional mlg like geometric styled map, but what sets it apart from others is that some of the walkways are like roads u would expect from a race track, nice job, everything else is good 2, 5/5
Dude your merging is awesome. Everything looks like it fits perfectly. Seriously, it doesn't even look like foundry any more. I will dl this. 5/5
Glad to have been a part of the testing process for this map (though I spent more time looking at the death screen then the map lol). I know who to turn to for help with any MLG type maps. I really do like the fact you added the small room . Well done sir.
Hey im glad to see you redid the wall and re-released this! It looks like it turned out great. Guys this map really is amazing 5/5 from me.
terrific map. testing it with you god knows how long ago was great. overall, i'd say that your merging and interlocking is tremendous, but you might want to take out that upside down teleporter on the bridge. I do know that it's used in the fancy mancannon tele thingy, but you could at least interlock it into the bridge a little. From testing a while back, gameplay was awesome, and seeing as how that was a few months ago, i'm assuming that this will be even better. 5/5 and downloaded
I don't see the giant structure in the center you promised you would put in. Anyway, the map looks better than the version I saw a while ago. I still like that curved ramp, which I thought you were going to take out of it too. The sniper tower also still looks amazing.
v3 definitely the best yet, but try to fix a couple bumps and take the teleporters out. this map is still pretty good, I liker all the corners walls at different angles.
have u even done a forge through? btw thx for all the comments, i know some of the aesthetics are not the best, but I've always just gone for good gameplay/map design. This one was pushing some things a bit extreme but o well. I'll have v1 of my collab with blanked done very very soon!!! wow sotha sil, how did u even find out about some of that stuff, i still want to take out the curved path cause that is the one part that's bumpy, but i have no idea what else to put there
I forgot which one of my friends I was playing with, but you joined are party. We gave you leader and we first played some mlg map, then the v2 of this one I think it was. My friend and I discussed with you what you could do for the v3 of it, and those things came up. That's how I remember it.
First off, where are people getting this "MLG" from? This isn't an MLG map. Its not even in the MLG map forums. It couldn't be one anyway because it has equipment. Just wanted to get that off my chest, as it was bugging me that people kept saying "MLG." The map is excellent. Good lines of sight. Good cover at the top and bottom of the map. The weapon placement and choice suits the map well. Man cannons, grav lifts, and teleporters all work well. I like that there are multiple man cannons so that if you hear someone going through one, you don't know exactly where they are. The teleporter system is one of the best I have seen because you can't block it, and it would be hard to assassinate because of the high rate of speed the player travels coming out of the receiver node. The only thing I would change about that is to put that middle teleporter system out of the map, instead of in a box where people can see it. I just think it takes away from the map's aesthetic goodness. You probably put it there so that if someone blocks the teleporter, the player can still shoot at people/get shot through the fence box, but you can't block the teleporter, so I would put it outside the map. Overall, everything is smooth and the lifts work perfectly. A very fun, very balanced map. 9/10
after playing this today with fatalityz i saw many improvements from the V2. The room adds a totally new area that is uncommon on the map and it was absolutely refreshing. It added a medium sized area that was quite open, one of very few on the is map and most other maps as well. The lines of sites are amazing and the new spot of the tele-cannon is amazing as you can tell they are coming before you get a flying backsmack. The improvements fit the map quite well, and with the things i told you to save you budget hopefully will make the next version even better.
I totally forgot to write about this. I did a forgethrough a few days ago, and I guess I got sidetracked and never posted. Oops. That being said, going from what I remember, I did generally like the map. I really did like the usage of mancannon + angled ceiling to move you from floor to floor, but I did have the odd issue with it. Nothing too bad, but it occurred from time to time. I also liked the forging, with techniques that you would typically find in race maps then in a competitive map (the curved ramp is what immediately comes to mind). Actually, on the topic of that ramp, I did notice that if you approached it from the wall of foundry, you either walk below it, or into it. You can't go over it, unless you jump. The weapon set, if I recall, seemed to play out into my mind pretty well. I couldn't see anything that screams that there is going to be a problem. However, my big complaint is that the map layout is... well... I can't really explain it. It seems too open, yet too claustraphobic, too continous, yet too segregated. I'm not saying that in the sense that it's the perfect balance, but rather I got that feeling when playing this map. Maybe there was a lack of a true central structure, or the area far off to the side. It just didn't feel... right. It's pretty hard to describe it. Something's off, but it's pretty hard for me to identify. With all that said, it's still a good map. Good forging techniques (even though you did phone it in using the window panels as a ramp, rather then use the fence wall below, and then the window pannels above to fill the gap). The weapon setup seems good, and it is still a pretty decent map.
Forgot to say, great job with the grav lift, but that one part we worked out gave you more money and it looked much cleaner, great job dude! I am ready to test this
The geomerging is flawless! And the interlocking is amazing! All the slanted boxes and walls are well placed. Although I dislike pictures with that anoying "This image has been resized" bar on top of them, this map is nice. The gameplay looks great, and I hope to see this map get more attention! What's this I hear of bumps in the ground? Darn, well fix those and make it slightly bigger, and you've got yourself a "FEATURE NAO!" Teehee... 4/5 for now, what's this I hear of bumps!?