Cosmic I really like this map and in particular the death pit. I got to play a 4 man ffa (1v1v1v1 I guess) about a week ago and it definitely supported some good geometry and unique gameplay. I still need to play a few more games on it before I give a rating (6/5 lol) but the uniqueness alone makes it worth DLing and playing. Nice job.
Rofl, didn't you get the whole "Playing right this second" part of it? I do not rate maps withought playing them first, and when I said that I would come back later with a more detailed description after I found the party, I meant it. Please for the sake of somebody getting hurt Hydro, just hold onto your horses. They might trample somebody to death. Teehee. Onto the map review that I promised! This map has very great Aesthetics and Gameplay, both of which my party and I throughly enjoyed. The Death Pit was great and I kept jumping down it just because it looked so beatiful. However anoying it is that the map includes so many places that look possible to escape from (SO MANY HOLES!!!) there aren't any... So here is that 5/5 that you deserve, whether you want it or not!
I was able to get a 3v3 CTF game on this last night, and it played pretty well. Spawning was a bit awkward (died immediately a few times) when the other team had control of our base, but overall this was a highly enjoyable map to play. I thought we had them there at the end, Cosmic. Apparently Elites are impervious to fire...
Yeah, it's tough. Spawning gets a little rocky with 3v3. Definitely more of a 2v2 map (since I spent too many items elsewhere to forge a longer spawning area, and the fact that it's already a small map). But we did have that shielded-off box to dive into upon respawn. That's how I stayed alive (well... longer than you anyway) when they had our base on-lockdown. And unfortunately, the U-shape of the map prevents me from making another respawn area further out because then you'd spawn there far too often (enemies in either base push you to spawn at the turnaround). If only I could add some script to the spawns... Glad you liked it overall. We'll have to get a real 2v2 on it sometime, though.
wow, quite a gorgeous map. im ashamed to say that i havent had a game on this yet, but i found two breaks in the map. i feel pretty bad for breaking it without playing it, but all those holes were just too tempting.... sorry rick.
Just hold on to your ball. Haha. The map looks great. You know, I never thought about making a map where the grenades can bounce out. It makes it more tactical In my opinion. I'll be sure to edit this reply once I download the map, but I have one question. If you get the sword, can you get back up top somehow or are you stuck down there? I never really saw a way up.
Looks REALLY good. Only thing I would say is to take those words and captions off the main pictures. It kind of makes the whole map hard to see.
Perhaps you should download the ****ing thing. I assure you that you'll have a much better view of the map.
wow, just wow I did a quick game on this and i am happy to say, that the flamethrower is awesome, i haven't had that much fun with a weapon since the warthog on constrictor. and a few time people will accidentaly strafe into the death pit and that is so funny. I love the sword spawn, with new players to this map it's hilarious to jump off into the pit and grab the sword, make a big fuss about how you died and get them with the sword. i liked the asymmetric, and how the symmetric changed pretty much everything. I did a ffa slayer game and a team oddball so i was wondering what your recommended gametype was, multi flag right? oh and can we get a pic of the flamethrower tunnel and how it works. 5 incineration's out of 5 (great post btw)
only problem i found is that the size is a little too small, even for a 2v2 since there are many angles and very few spawns that aren't out in the open. But it is alot of fun nontheless. Maybe keep the deathpit idea and make the map more like narrows.
This map looks great and like you said has the feel of a covanent ship *excluding the green boxes and stuff*. I downloaded and looked through, to see all the little asthetic things that makes this a really good map. -one problem i found was the fact you can basically walk out of the map if you go the the right place... but that is all explained in the PM i sent you. If you want me to show you in game, my GT:xXxMENTALxXx (dont worry you can delete me after if you want) -Either way i doubt people would even notice it during a fast paced game of slayer.
I wish I had the chance to play on this...cosmic... but it seems like I missed that. I liked having the early on eyes while you were building this cosmic. Love the set up ..and I need to get a game on this...!
Fantastic map! The boarding action map idea is fantastic and really well executed. Your forging was practically god-like in the precision. Everything is really well laid out, especially the weapons with their different spawn patterns. Also, your pictures provided a fantastic view of the map so us Downloaders could see what was really going down. The comments helped also. Haha well downloaded and I will test it out at my next Man-Over. 10/10
Finished a forgethrough of the map. Overall quite impressive, the visual aspect of the map was, for the most part, quite strong, and one on one or 3 way games look like they could be very enjoyable. The large gaps along the back wall completely throw me though, I know that they are inescapeable, but they still screw with my head. I have a big concern relating to the flamethrower and its respective switches. In asymmetrical games, one team is given an overshield that they must claim before acquiring the flamethrower, while the other team can waltz right in and grab it. All things considered, the team with the OV has 3 - 4 seconds on invince, which can be used to dispatch the flamethrower wielder and then obtain it. In symmetrical games this is not as much of an issue, but the idea of someone w/ flamethrower and OV doesn't sound good.
Interesting... Kind of like a clash between pennyless and a slayer map. But the pics with the weapon locations kind of look strange. Consider doing top down shots for these as it would look better. But good looking map will get on after dl to rate.
Just thought I let you now I know how to get out of this map. Swear to god. Other than that this map is great. 5/5 but what is the one thing that you shot the coils and drops a barrier for?