I'm back from my second screenshot outing with these four pictures. I'd like for you to vote in the poll at the top with your choice or choices! Which of these is the best, or do they all suck? Please be honest. I can handle criticism, believe me. Grotto Bloom Sniper Shimmer Thanks, and please vote in the poll for your favorite or favorites!
I like them all, and especially how the sniper one looks like you're using some freaky-ass flamethrower. The Bloom one has a little too much orange though to me.
Bloom Sniper and Shimmer are awsome. The first one is kind of boring and casual. Overall I like Sniper, then Shimmer. The Sniper one is cool because its looks like hes shooting fire, and the color looks good. Good job on da pics!
Wow. Those are pretty good. My favorite is definitely Grotto. I'd say they're all file share worthy, but each is pretty similar. I'd have to choose Grotto if only one. Easily an 8 out of 10. My favorite thing about it is the coloration. Sure, The others are bright and vibrant, but the player, the effect, and even the barely-visible background all fit together in Grotto. It's got a very gloomy feeling to it. Perfect for a dude carrying a sniper rifle. The others, however, are very close in quality to Grotto. I'd say that both Bloom and Shimmer are equal to it, I had simply chosen Grotto as a matter of opinion. The effect in Bloom, for example, is perfect for a man firing a Battle Rifle.
i'd have to say shimmer is the best with bloom in a close second place. I love the effects on shimmer but i would have chosen a different armor color. also in bloom i think the katana ruins it. good pics tho
Sniper is a very good picture with an awesome effect that looks as if it's shooting fire at you and the blur in the picture fits perfectly. For this pic i would give you a 4/5 the reason i didn't give you a 5 is because of the light coming off of the spartan. Grotto is a pretty ordinary picture but it has a interesting backdrop. i think i could look great if the spartan was in a different position. For this picture i give a 3.5/5 (it's still an o.k picture) Now onto my favorite pictures. Bloom is an excellent picture in my opinion the colors, armor and weapon (Battle Rifle) choice fits perfectly with the effect in the picture. I could not think of a possible reason to improve on this picture for now so you are going to get a 5/5 for this picture Now finally we have Shimmer another picture that turned out great. The blue rays shooting into the picture add a great effect to it as does the "static" that is surrounding the spartan. Another great pic and for this you once again get a 5/5 Overall a great selection of screenshots and I would love to see more from you : ] Also could you please PM me telling me what effects you used for Bloom and Shimmer. If you could it would help me with the final to of my screenshot pack that I'm releasing soon.
Holy dink these are amazing. I really love Shimmer defiantly my favorite and one of the best I've seen yet. The colors are great and the pose is great too. I really like Sniper, it looks like a flame coming out. Bloom is great the green and yellow is amazingly cool looking. Grotto I don't really like but it's not bad. Overall these are great, nothing too overwhelming but still appealing. 5/5!
I love the third picture the most! It's always the sniper pictures that grab my attention. Perhaps it's because the sniper rifle is super sexy, *Achoo - "Like Me!" Achoo!* Sorry, just sneezed a little bit.