to the #1 Tactical Mini Game Map Pack!!! Well, to start off, this is my 4th post on FH and i've been working on a little something. It's 3 different maps and gametypes, all created to be very tactical. Each only 1 minute long and each with two distinct teams, SWAT and Terrorist. Without further ado, lets get into the map pack... This game involves a SWAT team coming through the ceiling of a flightdeck. Much like the last mission in CoD4, you fight through the plane to get to the hostage. A terrorist will spawn very near the hostage. It is his job to kill the hostage after 1 minute. The hostage will be invincible until a minute into the game. This is where the SWAT team spawns. They gather weapons and a flare before dropping in through the ceiling. In this picture, you can see both floors. Behind you, is the large V-shaped wall that slants up and down. This is where lots of action goes down. This is where the hostage spawns. Unfortunately, a minute has gone by and the SWAT team wasnt fast enough. The hostage was executed. In this game, a SWAT team is positioned in SWAT trucks outside, while a terrorist has armed a bomb inside a warehouse. The SWAT team quickly gathers weapons and rushes in and must disarm the bomb on the 2nd floor. The terrorists are well equipped with molotov cocktails and RPG's. The SWAT team spawns here and in an identical truck on the opposite side of the warehouse. They gear up and get ready to rush in. This is where the bomb has been planted and some Terrorists spawn. There are 2 staircases leading up to the second floor. Lots of action will be taking place at these 2 areas. Try to split up and go both ways. In this game, a SWAT team will spawn at the end of a street. While the terrorists have set up camp in a small compound. A warlord has also been subsiding here. He is wanted dead.... so kill him. Terrorists are heavily armed with turrets, while the SWAT team starts only with an assault rifle. This is where the SWAT team spawns. The 2 trucks can be used as cover. The street is littered with cover and is home to weapons that can be picked up by the SWAT team as they move up the street. 2 large turrets occupy the front of the compound that the terrorists can use to slow down the SWAT team's approach. The warlord is on the top floor of the compound and is equipped with a sniper rifle to fend off the SWAT team. A SWAT soldier makes it the top floor of the compound and gets in a fire fight to take down the warlord. Free 1 Hostage - The Flightdeck - Halt 1 Bombing - The Warehouse - Stop 1 Warlord - The Compound - NOTES: Each map houses 2 easter eggs. One is a hidden sword, the other is a secret. Also, my file share is now full. So, im sorry, but you can't download my other maps or gametypes for the time being.
Great post, all of the maps. But, you should have seperated the download links in your post. Like have the gametype and the link to the first map, the gametype and second map, and the third gametype and map. You can't expect everyone to want to automatically download all six files, although these maps are well done. The first map sounds the best, because the last map seems to be a win for the terrorists and the second map just doesn't interest me as much. Please seperate your download links in the post.
Please do not make links to your file share, all you have to do is click download the map, then simply copy and paste the URL into a link box thingie. Anyway, the maps look great, and I am particularly interested in the Warlord and hostage gametypes. They both seem very original, as well as very well executed. Although you could have interlocked some more in your maps, I don't really think it was needed, as other people will argue. Most objects are straight, and I haven't seen many flaws in the maps. I also love the post, it looks very nice and I'm impressed with the gametype banners. As for the terrorist bombing game, it looks pretty original, it just doesn't appeal to me that much. The last thing I wanted to say is that it's cool how you spawn as a swat team in deployable trucks/or whatever. Also, I was wondering if you tested these before posting. The Warlord game looks pretty hard for the SWAT team. Also, POST A REAL LINK TO YOUR MAPS!
Wow. These maps look amazing. And you posted extremely well, nice job. I like the theme of the maps, that works out really well. And the maps themselves are great as well. The look great, work seamlessly with the gametypes, and look fun to play on. Nice job! 5/5 for the whole map pack.
What interests me the most was the second gametype - Halt 1 Bombing. when i read halfway thru the description, i imagined a base where the attackers (terrorists) start in with the bomb and the plant point, and the defenders (SWAT team) must infiltrate the base and disarm the bomb. fact, i might use my idea... (dun worry ill credit u ) Still, the maps are good, the links were a lil confusing, and the idea was great.
Interesting idea regarding the bomb plant disarm time dictate the end of the 2nd game. One question though, what switch do you use for VIP spawn in the first game?
If, by switch, you mean how does he change from being invulnerable to defenseless? Custom powerups of course! and plz stop ragging on the links. They get you to the place you want to go. Isnt that their job? Anyway, thx for the comments. Keep commenting, rating and plz dl!
No, my mistake. I thought that the prisioner was the vip...? I understood you were using a custom power up for the timer.
The first game, the hostage, sounds like it has some honor rules. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the hostage and terrorist have full access to each other during the time the SWAT team is in transit. Theoretically, what's to stop the terrorist from assassinating the hostage, or the hostage from shooting the terrorist?
He's asking how did you make it so the VIP spawns in that particular room, not how he went from invulnerable to kill able. In fact, I'm wondering the same thing. The second game, the terrorists feel a bit too powerful with the rocket launchers. I recommend you give the SWAT team flares and maybe some protective cover?
wow this is very kool... i definitely like the creativity of it all... the first one with the VIP sounds like the real winner though out of the 3... 5/5 good job...