I'm with you. Gotta have everything Halo (though I've got Halo: CE, Halo 2, Halo 2 Limited Edition, Halo 3, Halo 3 Legendary and many other Halo things). I've never played an RTS but HW will be a starter, get a basic idea (I know, probably not the best starting point...). Must. Have. Mythic. Maps...
wow i just love how everyones jumping on the HW bandwagon cuz it has HALO on the title. I cant wait to hear all these people diss this game cuz there too dumb or impatient to play an RTS.
I don't really think it is like that. Alot of us forge here, hmm what surprise, and I would say that takes a lot of patients. Your calling us dumb now to? I'm insulted.
I don't play on buying anything Halo related this soon. I'll probably get H3:ODST, but that's months away. I bought too many games, and and iPod Touch. I need some time to recover financially, if you know what I'm saying.
Wait a week, but get both after a week! Halo Wars will be on the Xbox 360, right? If it's on the PC, then no dice.
Halo Wars is only for the xbox. On a related note, I think I might get Halo Wars, or I might buy the normal version and then the maps off of Live, if that's the cheaper option. Give it a week, and Gamestation will be selling it for £20 anyway...
I think i might buy the non limited edition to i can actually play the game and not switch from looking at the new maps and concentrate on one thing, then i'll buy the maps. Or just get the limited edition, i don't know yet.
you dont have halo 1 or 2? then your not a halo collector? and halo wars has AMAZING cutscene graphics but the game looks like a plie o crap. i might get halo wars. but not yet. il wait a week
I think that the 70 or so dollars is a bit much for the game. But I'll probably buy it just to get the maps early =P I'm just not good at waiting. I suck at it actually.
I think i'm gonna just wait for the new maps b/c i need to save up for an ipod touch cuz my extended family is cheap and my parents already give me lots of stuff =P
I'm gonna wait a week, Halo Wars just isn't my type of game and one week is nothing. I'd rather save the money and wait the week over buying a game I don't want.
My bf's getting the limited edition the day it comes out so I don't have to buy it I can't wait though- C&C for Halo! *drools*
It depends on when the maps come out to whether I'll get them first or wait for Halo Wars. when do both come out?
Have the maps even been announced that they were coming out a week after Halo Wars? For me I will get Halo Wars LE just for the fact that I have some money lying around and by the footage I have seen it looks pretty good. Also I feel like playing an RTS because I haven't in a long time due to the fact that my Graphics Card has been broken for about 2 years