Assurgent By: Sir Toppum Hat1 and o Providence o Download Map Description: Assurgent is a very vertical map made for small parties (2v2, 3v3). The map consists of 3 main levels, and a few smaller levels leading up to them. In the middle is a large tower, many think it is the Eiffel Tower, but it is not. It is actually slightly based off of the ark on your main screen when you log onto Halo3. On opposite sides of the map are the two basses. One is a defender base and the other the attackers. The defenders base consists of two main branches. An in cliff bunker with a man cannon that takes you to the top, and two shelters. The Attackers base consists of a V shaped tower, a capture box and a spawn box, and two shelters. Each base leads into the ark. Surrounding the ark are many platforms that you can jump to and from to move around the map and to gain higher ground. There are also 2 man cannons that take you from the floor of the warehouse to the first level of the ark. Weapons: Beam Rifle: 1 Plasma Rifles: 2 Mauler: 1 Carbines: 3 Spiker: 2 Needler: 1 Equipment: Spike Grenades: 4 Deployable Cover: 1 Game Types: Slayer King of the Hill Assault Capture the Flag (1 flag) Territories Zombies Video Over view First level Step and man cannon to first level Main Floor Defenders Base Attackers Base At this time we would like to thank those who have helped us on the map. A few of these people are Devenish and Blood Fire for helping us with the spawns, Anoobis King for doing the graphics and the video, Sage for giving us advise on adding the window panel ramps, Paulie Walnutz for being Paulie Walnuts, all those who helped us play test the map. (Send me a message if I forgot you) Download Map
first post this is an amazing map for all to play it has incredible astetics as well as game play, a special thanks to everyone who help me and toppum hat
That is feature worth my friend. I like the use of teleporters as arrows and every interlock and geo merge seems to be right. I see a couple of mistakes here and then. do you still need testers? If so message my tag SeeK MaGNuM.
well it seems you were successfull in cramming cool features into the map, this thing is filled to the brim with win! ill have to do a forgethrough to get a better look, but for now ill say that it gives me an impression of 5/5.
wow this is the best looking map i've ever seen, ANd it plays great! Very clean very original, very fun! 5/5
I haven't post much in a long time but I have to say something to this. God damn is this cool or what? Fantastic job.
Oh..... My....... God. wow this map is amazing, it seems that you could make the video for the map a little better but what the heck this is fantastic. i have no complaints
I remember playing FFA KotH on it. Very confusing :/ It was very complex and had many jumps to the map. I constantly found myself pressing my right bumper because of the such tight quarters and large height. The Beam rifle IMO was useless on the map due to its small size. idk Toppum, I think your next map will out-shine this one.
I dont know what to say. This map is absolutely amazing. I can not find a single flaw in it. Great asthetics, awesome interlocking, great geomerging, and the map has a nice feel to it that just flows really nice. I give it a 5/5. I demand this get featured naow
I saw the first pic and... FEATURE!!! This is epic, bro. Beautiful forging. fantastic gameplay. I especially love the epic concept of that "eiffel" tower thingy in the center. Its creative and its what FH needs more of. 50/5
Hmm I did think this map was rather impressive when you showed it to me last week. After that though I went ahead and played a few games and was pleasantly surprised. Although the gameplay wasn't top notch for the type of map you made it is fairly playable. Free for all really is more enjoyable, or 2v2, and grenades are quite a blast. The forging all around was solid, well done and had purpose. The only real noticeable setback was being able to go from lower to upper levels. It just wasn't easy. Too many times I tried to jump onto a ledge and was stopped by another extrusion, resulting in me dying. But still, from a conceptual standpoint this map fared pretty well and is one of the first in the budding, new, and more frequent vertical battlefields. There really isn't much of anything you can do to improve this, the whole map was planned poorly in accordance to balance, mobility and what not.
I haven't played this yet, so I will reserve my comments until then, which is what 9 out of 10 people already "demanding a feature" should have done. Sorry guys, but threads with such blatant disregard for opinions beyond the look of pics absolutely disgusts me. I guess this is just the nature of Forgehub now. Rate on pics!!! 50/10 feetuure naoz!!! Gross.
Okay, I have done a forge-through of the map. It looks like you have focused more on aesthetics than game play. Don't get me wrong, the map is awesome with so many cool things. Even the outside has aesthetics! The map IMO is too tight. People would have a hard time trying to get kills because there are a lot of things getting in the way. I hope you improve next time. Good job.
I see this all the time. People comment on a map and find themselves needing things to make it un-spamish so they start talking about game play which they haven't even seen. The map has some incredible, incredible aesthetics don't get me wrong. But the game play seems limiting. For example, mobility. It is too jam packed with cover and different points of elevation. When I was playing on this map in custom games Everybody just stayed on the outside with assault rifles. When making a map with focus on a central structure you have to try and draw the players in more. also i don't agree with the weapon choice. This map just doesn't have any reason to put a beam rifle on it. As amazingly forged as this it should not feel bland. Come on, put a different weapon in there to spice up game play. Other than that this map is utterly flawless. There was never a time when I would spawn in the middle of a battle, no way the other team would have stronger stuff than us. During my forge through I found that this map could not be broken. If it can however it would be disastrous because of the wraith. ~forgegod117~
The map has good game play if you dont suck at jumping, dont rate the map with out playing on it. i have many firends of mine that play mlg and are competative and they love the map because it takes skill to get to areas of the map... also the map is not to be played with assault rifle because they are cheat and require no skill. play with a game type that works with the map like a br spawn and play the objective game types that this map was made. does the map not look like it was ment for king of the hill
this map is very good the aesthetics are amazing and gameplay is awesome. the merging is perfect and so this the interlocking. one of the better maps I've seen lately. i don't really like the weapon choice and some people said it already (beam rifle), i think you should take that out in a v2 or something. i played a few slayer games and it was fun. but i got out/broke the map which i think you could fix it if you took out the deployable cover, but if you want to see the video its on my new accounts fileshare. ActualGLoRY. i did it in forge but i dident turn into moniter. the film clip is called break. but for the map i say 9/10 good job.
This is a awesome map, one of the best I think I have every seen in a long time, it is good for many game types, I would change nothing about it. Great LOS, and there is a very good POI
First of all I really would like to tell you how great it was for you to think of this kind of idea. I really like how it looks like the eifel tower. There are walls kind of bordering it, acting like steps, and I really think this could make gameplay a whole lot more intense and fun. Very incredible map, Very original idea, very nice job
very nice work guys, the effile tower thing in the middle is very well made, the looks are top nouch, gameplay for 1v1 is pretty good, theres alot of jumping tho but is unquie, nice job my friends =]