DOWNLOAD CHUPACOASTER! Use the RaceTracks Game Variant. Description: Well This is a pretty short but nonetheless fun racing map on Standoff. I've had this for at least 2 months and people on my friends lists loved it so i thought i'd post it, Its my first racetrack so its maybe not so great... The Gooses Spawns and player spawns... The long road ahead... Finally at the top... The BIG DROP! To The BIG JUMP!!! HARD landing... To the second BIG JUMP! and the BIG BOUNCE!!! To The Last BIG JUMP!!! WhooooHooo!!! BigAir!!!! then you do it all over again... Hope you all like it, Peace! DOWNLOAD CHUPACOASTER! Use the RaceTracks Game Variant.
I just raced on it and theres a few things i dont like.You need to fix the hill a lil bit.When your going up you made it do down to fast.What you can do is put a grav lift at the top to slow you down or rebuild it.I know you dont want to do that so try to grav lift way.Besides that its a really good drop though.Pretty good job
nice track. can u use bettle tracks with it? anyway, its pretty good overall. u shoulda made the bridge part a bit wider. 4.5/5
OMOMGOMG lol the huge ramp/bridge thingy is totally of the eezy, this is insane i love your angles in your pics they look amaizing, the track looks fun, and fast, i hope it is when i dl later! This is like a 5/5 for me i love rollercoasters! keep it up!