So you figured out a way to turn it off? And I play somewhere between 2 and 6 depending what I'm playing. 2 haven't played for a while and my BR's sloppy, 3-4 standard whatever, 5-6 if I'm playing well and I am playing MLG.
yes I've found out how, and it really helps.. even my friends that love there precious auto aim now have changed it. :-D
I always play 1... it seems perfect for me. in the case that I play SWAT (not likely) I switch it up to 3
7, I became too good at sniping so I raised the challenge. Plus I'm really used to it now and I'm also used to the toggle crouch too.
*cough*cockybitch*cough* yeah, i was at 10 but i raped kids soo bad that they allowed me to mod it and go to 15 so MLG members have a chance.
Sorry but any thing below 10 sensivivity is considerd way too slow for me. I even have auto aim off and vibration off too focus my shots on all weapons, and then i even found a second sensitivity set up in my profile and put it on low which made the sensitivity even higher and yet still, its too slow too meet my wants/needs. Yes i know im a freek.......
I use 5. Since i am in the MLG i need a sensetivity that will allow me to respond to fire quickly, while still being able to control my BR and Sniper shots. I like to warm up on a higher sensetivity (8-9).
I'm kind of the same way, my play style is super aggressive and sometimes I need to have the speed to outsmart opponents with my golden gloves, my teammates hate it lol. 5 sens. for me – that’s my sweet spot for widescreen 1680x1050, never going to change.