Spires Alpha

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Explodsive, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Explodsive

    Explodsive Ancient
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    Spires Alpha
    Spires is recommended for:
    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill
    Capture the Flag
    Any other gametype (although not necessarily well yet)
    This map is a variant of Standoff, with two large spires constructed on the open pads on either side of the level. They have two levels and face each other, making excellent sniper spots. They are not well covered though, so you will be a target if you go up on one. I'm also considering linking them with a 2-way teleporter from top to top. The center of the map features the energy sword in a shield-door box, but be careful because it's pretty easy to lob a grenade in there and kill anyone who stays in it for too long. This particular aspect makes king of the hill very interesting . . . kinda like a permanent bubble shield only you can lob grenades in over the top. While it is not a lot different from standoff, the addition of two large structures and the weapon/vehicle placements create a much different game dynamic. I need people to play it and let me know what they think, as only myself and a few friends have tested it so far. This map also features a couple delayed power weapon spawns (rockets, laser) to turn the action up once things are in full swing (someone feels safe in their warthog). Let me know what you think, or if you want to play on it just send me a message, my GT is Explodsive.
    Picture Time!
    Firing on the spire.
    Kick back and enjoy the view from the top.
    The Sword Box
    Another View
    This is my first time posting a map here, so any and all feedback is appreciated. I'm not the best forger yet, so please criticize and suggest things!
    Download it HERE!!
  2. David 118

    David 118 Ancient
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    its probably more exciting than just the basic standoff so as soon as my xbox is repaired ill give it a go.
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Welcome to Forge Hub! Your first post looks perfect.

    Its interesting that your first map you forged is standoff, not many people forge it at all. I like the simple changes that you've made. A sniper roost really complicates the map considerably. Is the weapon placement relatively the same as the default standoff, or did you change it up entirely?

    If you have time to look around, check out forging 101 located in the left hand navigation bar, its a good place to start if you're new to forging.
  4. Explodsive

    Explodsive Ancient
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    I started with a totally blank standoff, implemented the infinite cash glitch just because I wasn't sure what I'd need (all the spare parts are hidden in the pillars of the spires, sometimes you can hear them rumble if you walk by at the right time which is kinda spooky/fun). The weapon layout is similar, but there are some major exceptions. See below for count. There is also a gauss hog equidistant from each base (about 15 seconds walk time from either front door as I timed it) that has a 3 minute timer. The interesting thing is I added a double box on one hill and a wire box on the other behind each base, and they're almost level with the sniper towers . . . great for countersniping. I want to get a game of 4v4-6v6 CTF going and really see how it plays, I haven't been able to do more than 3v3 yet.

    Weapon count is:

    Frag Grenade*26
    Plasma Grenade*10
    Spike Grenade*4
    Plasma Pistol*2
    Assault Rifle*5
    Battle Rifle*8
    Covenant Carbine*2
    Shotgun*2 (0 clips)
    Sniper*2 (1 clip, 90 secs. Every bullet is valuable!)
    Rockets*1 (3 minute delay)
    Laser*1 (90 second delay)
    Brute Shot*2
    Missile Pod*2
  5. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    I'm not sure how fun it is, but your spires look pretty cool. :)
  6. Ty

    Ty Guest

    Nice initial map post. However my only concern with your map is the map itself. There was a reason Bungie didn't include a sniper on the map by default. A sniper roost complicates this immensely and almost destroys any balance.
  7. Tai Therin

    Tai Therin Ancient
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    I haven't tried this yet, but I intend to pretty soon.

    However, my concern's are the same. A sniper can practically see the entire map, and cover on Standoff is basically limited to inside the base and some rocks. Control of the sniper would be the entire game.

    Like I said though, I haven't played it, so I wouldn't know. I'll try to download and see if I'm right or wrong.
  8. Explodsive

    Explodsive Ancient
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    I'm well aware of the balance issues, that's why the sniper spawns on both sides with little ammo on a reasonably long timer. A turret from either base can fire on the sniper and a well-placed BR can hit any number of fusion coils on the towers if the sniper isn't aware at all times of their position. This is just an idea I had, I really need to play it more to know if it will work out, but so far the sniper hasn't been able to dominate the game despite being able to see 70% of the map.
  9. RossDawgg

    RossDawgg Ancient
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    Yay for standoff, it was my first forged map as well. I'm willing to give this map a try, I like how simplistic it looks.. like you didn't try to over complicate things with a skybase or un-needed weapons. I'm also glad top hear that you didn't stick with the original weapon layout.

    I'll download next time on live.

    EDIT: Did you take the map down?
  10. your dawg 11

    your dawg 11 Ancient
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    sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :squirrel_nono:
  11. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Interesting twist for Standoff
  12. Explodsive

    Explodsive Ancient
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    Apparently the map got screwed up on bungie so I'm re-uploading it and making a new link. The link will be fixed in the OP for anyone who had trouble downloading it before

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