Infection-Grifbasketball-Team obj.- map pack Videos 3 maps (Castlevania, Zombie Estate, and Tumbleweed) YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Maps - Castle and House Maps (GrifBasketball) A Basketball court used to play grifball u will need to make the carrier to be able 2 jump high on ur gamevarient YouTube - Grifball - Basketball style Links 4 download is availiabe at the videos Castlevania front view: side view of inside: Zombie Estate side view of house: other side: Tumbleweed front view: back side: GrifBasketball Hoop with three-point line and free throw lines: Center line with hoop in background Remember if u wanna watch my youtube videos of these maps the links r at the top.
Your zombie estate looks exactly like barts manor other than some details. Same location of house, same placement of hole in rooftop and it even has the same fence wall there. Wouldn't this be advertising but IDK.
yes i got the design from haunted manor(really liked map lol) but i built from ground up so rooms r all diff and it has a garage outside of it instead of inside and chimney on other side of house
Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen someone post a map in the wrong forum. They need to be in the MAPS section. Videos can go on map posts, maps can't usually go on videos.
And you made all of these? Seems like I've seen some of them before. Or at least similar ones. EDIT: After seeing the video, never mind.
The pictures are way to small. Here's a small tutorial on how to post pictures: Start a game for the map you want to show. After starting it, end the game. Go into theater mode and start the game. Pause it and take pictures (Press "X" and select the camera icon). Go on the internet to your service record and take a look at your recent pictures. Click on "View in High Res" for the ones you want to use, and download them to your computer. Upload them to a photo site, like TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting. Highlight the link under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" (for and post it on the thread. Your pictures should come up large and in high quality.
These maps look great. Even though you didn't use an excessive amount of interlocking or geomerging, they still look pretty good. They also look like they would play well for what they are designed for. I barely see anything crooked and I have to say that it all looks well put together. I don't really understand the poll at the top but anyway... I like how you have so many maps, and for once you got pictures right and put up some videos, which I have to say is amazing for a first-timer at FH. All I can say is make your posts a little bit bigger, you might get reported for spam.
Thx man i love the comment ........... lol i had small pic's b4 that i took with windows movie maker (lmao). sum1 on 1st page waz kind enough 2 tell me how 2 get bigger pics. as for spamming. hehe i have already been warned when i complimented sum1 on their map lol.
and if someone has tumbleweed please put it in your share and send me a pm because its not in his share x