The Wall By: A Punker Another map I had in mind for a slayer style game. It was once just a stack of boxes making a simple wall with a few holes chunked into it. However, once I started merging I remade this map with plenty of alterations... I know there are plenty of powerful weapons on this map maybe too many but, sometimes I like to make maps that have weapons causing a blast radius. It is a map that makes use of all 4 levels. The difference is I like to prevent camping in some maps and this literally has it to where camping will prove useless. Involving teleporters that may take you to the high or to a couple goodies. Cannon Mans that may shoot you to the 3rd level or over the map. The Wall Overview: Upper Levels: Bottom Two Levels: Side View: Have fun with this map dismantle it or do whatever to it... I personally recommend SWAT for this. Download The Wall
wow, i personally love the interlocking in this map. it looks very original, the bridges going through the middle of the wall thing look very nice. it looks very clean and i'm definitely gonna download dis.
Well, this is definitely the best map I have seen by you so far. The interlocking is magical. Everything is smooth and fits together pretty well. I like the layout of this map. It's not all that original, but fun, nonetheless. There is good natural cover provided with the height advantage but people on the bottom level have plenty as well. Good [vertical] lines of sight, I guess is what I'm saying. Having said that, there is way too much going on in this map. What I mean is: 1. Too many teleporters. There are too many in general, and random teleporters are no fun and usually end up with people just running through the same ones trying to get somewhere which really ruins gameplay. (Just look at the Ghost Town variant Bungie uses in its Double EXP Weekend infection playlist.) 2. Too many power weapons, equipment and, well, weapons in general, for that matter. Some things I would personally do to fix the business of the map: 1. Take out the back hallway with the active camo. That gets rid of some of the teleporters, and I just dont like it when people make a good map and then teleport you away from it... 2. Get rid of the teleporters that take you to the OS in the middle. That plus #1 gets rid of about 50% of the teleporters on the map. Then take out one of the fence walls on one side of the OS box, and take out another one on the other side, on the opposite side of the OS. This gives you a little mini hallway, which would be better than just leaving that area totally open. 3. Either delete the rockets/fuel rod and leave the splazer up on top, or delete the splazer and place rockets or the fuel rod on top. Those three are the main power weapons on the map, and I think you should just have one of them, plus after #2 you would be able to get to the rockets and fuel rod in quick succession. 4. Delete about 50% of the remaining weapons/equipment/grenades and make them exactly symmetrical. I don't like the human/convenant swapout. Make them the exact same weapon, not the same TYPE of weapon. 5. Keep the two way nodes at the top of the map (where splazer is) but move the connecting nodes either to where the two random sender nodes are (that send you to the receiver nodes in the corners; you should prolly get rid of them as well since they dont really serve a purpose besides teleporting you to an area that is 10-15 feet from where you were) or to the spot where the sender nodes were that sent you to the camo hallway/OS box. That way the two quickest ways to get to the top arent right above/below eachother and when you go through the two way nodes at the top, you won't come out facing a fence wall. Thats just a rough outline of what I would do. I know most people wouldnt go through this much for a map that isn't their own, but I'm not most people, and I really thought you had a good map here, and no one was really commenting on it, so I thought I would write you a novel. Overall, I love this map's architecture, but you just went a bit overboard with the interior design. =p 7/10
I agree with Shaddo, but also if you don't plan on someone making it into the A side(foundry normal A side) base and hiding there, then you might want to fix that bigass hole in the very top left corner of your first pic. I was just forging around in it, and I made it through as a player, not monitor. Just a recomendation...