Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Im up for it ill practice whenever just send me an inv.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I hate this game, but if you really think that there's strategy to it, sign me up. If I remember correctly, I can usually get a /overkill with a sword before getting killed by random gravhammer slamming.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season that means you probably played an earlier version of the game. in most scenarios, the hammer beats the sword, because it has a wider damage radius than the usual hammer. you can usually smash them before they even get too close.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season yeah good point Altho i think you should stay away form using Forgehub Team as a name as if you left it out it leaves TDF and the staff the option of doing it themselves later if they feel like it. Would be cool tho,theres some sort of special matchmaking for it this weekend isnt there? Ive only played it a few times but if i like it i'd love to be on a casual type team
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season i want them to be a part of it! and yeh theres a special double-exp playlist running from Noon PST today until Noon PST Sunday
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Which means that the sword is entirely useless now, the gravhammer is pretty much as good at taking out the bomber as the sword, so why not remove it completely, they've already made it useless. Sorry about getting off topic, but Forge Hub is about Forging, not Grifball, regardless of it being a Forged map, if you want to make a team why not just say that you are from Forge Hub, but not use the FH tag.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season That's a good point, you guys would most likely be better off forming your own teams without affiliations necessarily.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I've been working to get a Grifball team together. The post was in Halo discussion. But, I would probably rather be in this one. I made a team on with the name Forge Hub a few days ago, so if we end up using that name I could just give the captain to someone else, if we use that name. It doesn't have any members in it yet. I don't see any reason why using Forge Hub as a name would be bad. I would think that advertising the hub would be good. Definitely sign me up.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Dude,Lights.....we own. If there is a Grifball team formed out of this,you and I gotta be first in line. And if anyone has anything to say about that just use our Bungie game summaries as reference,it speaks for itself so far.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season You know it... what was that 18 W's in a row? domination.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I think that I did fairly good when we were playing. Probably could have done better, but I haven't really played it all that much.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I blam the other guy for leaving ... when we lost... but Good gaming Light Scout... can't wait for round 2
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Gerbil... Even still, I had a lot of fun. We did pretty good those games, and we could have done better if we had maybe one more person who was very good at it. Light Scout? Light Stout? Lighthouse?
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I tried out the grifball playlist last night. It was actually alright for being an MM playlist. I will have to say though not many people use strategy very well. I still scored a couple times on my own.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Sorry about that guys. the other dark, I think you cause me to lag, whenever we are in a game together I get lag, probably just some wierd connection issue, but if you decide to make a team Creep1ng, LightHouse, and Everyday Tragedy should be on the team for sure. You just don't need to use the Forge Hub tag.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Excuses, excuses, excuses. Yeah, it must be dark's fault huh? Its cool though. Not your fault.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season i used to hate it, but now i really like it. count me in. YOU GOT THAT FROM ME!!!!it was my user msg thing that goes under you pic a few days ago. oh well no hard feelings.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season I said that from a way while back, way before you were even here! Bah, whatever. Grifball was being stupid. It ejected us from your game.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season no official ForgeHub team was made. I did start a team, but decided against the FH tag (mainly because we like to talk trash, and it wouldnt portray a good image for the site). Watch our progress at this link: Grifball The new season will be announced today I believe, hopefully it starts sooner rather than itchin to get back on the court already Team Name: Thus I Refute Thee (it says that on top of the bomb, in case you didnt know) Team members from ForgeHub: Paralyzed King Creep1ng De4th LIGHTSOUT225 Other team members: EverydayTragedy Jon Grove AychPKay Recruiting: We are only allowed a roster of 7, and we have 6 already. However we are potentially looking for one more player. Post here if you wish to be considered for an opening, you need to be experienced, and a team player. We will only take the best. ill be checking stats and what not and will contact you if you fit our needs. We don't need ball carriers, as we have 4. We need defenders/blockers. were lookin for the man that can wield both the hammer and the sword effectively, and will pass over a dropped bomb to smash incoming opponents.