Union Station

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by RK The Beast, Jan 13, 2009.


Whats the best part about this track?

  1. The Accent! (Asthetics)

    23 vote(s)
  2. The Design! (Track Layout)

    12 vote(s)
  3. The Versatility! (Mongoose Handling)

    2 vote(s)
  1. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by:
    AnF Ryan
    Special Thanks To:
    meleemaster246 & Velocikiller
    AnF Racing 1-8 Players

    This race track is called Union Station for one reason! Theres a giant train surrounded by a city! There are many bounce doors, grav lifts, jumps, bumps, spins, jimmies (man cannons), builidings, small, tall, large, hollow, and filled! Race around town, and bounce on top of trains on Union Station!

    Game Play-
    Theres one main thing, the racers are not going to be able to score any points until 90 seconds into the game! At 90 seconds, the train docks in the station and the racers are able to start to grab points. There is pretty much a non-cheating system around the whole track and the go-to point. If a player does cheat, it would probably be pretty much useless because it would take more time for them to cheat then to actually go the real way because I love to add grav lifts, bounce doors, and mancannons to shoot the racers around the track!


    Download The Map- Union Station
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Download The Gametype- AnF Racing
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Presented by:
    #1 RK The Beast, Jan 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2009
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is sick! This is now on my top 5 Forgehub Racetracks. I love the whole city concept. I really like the train, the aesthetics, and that it seems to take some skill to navigate the map. Great job! 9/10.
  3. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Epic... Just Epic... I haven't played it yet because my hog of a brother (lol) but i can tell by the pics and the concept of the city with the working train.. just epic.. Thank You for the upcoming enjoyment of this map.. :p

  4. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude looks epic as always. I love the aesthetic scenery and the ingenious use of landing pads in mid air that make the landings smooth and effective. Great Work. Keep it up. 5/5
  5. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a beautiful map, i hate race games tho so you should try making a v2 for other gametypes, this map is very clean and neat
  6. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
    Senior Member

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    I would have to say that this track is quite beautiful, but the gameplay could be better. I mean, the train and the traintrack are wonderfully made and look very good, and the urban feel is all well and good, but there are some things that need reworked. It seemed to me that the grav lifts/man cannon/shield doors were to close to the corners with the amount of speed you can get with this track, and I found myself running into the walls after turns because I tried to use them to my advantage. The whole, 90 seconds without scoring i'm still not sure about. I mean its fun to just ride around the track with no worries, but im sure some people would get bored and then start causing ruckus which would carry over to the competitive time. You might just want to have the train spawn at start. The train, although beautiful, also gave me problems as about 50% of the time I would not make the shield door jump. You should rework that so it has a better success rate. Maybe, just throw some man cannons at the end of the ramp that shoot you up there (that would kill the 90 second wait, but i talked about ending that anyway). Also you can cheat (as you said) but all you have to do is sit on the checkpoint. also, you can take it at an angle and get to the ramp that you hit after the starting point which cuts the track by about 30%. Great aesthetics, but I think you should tweak a few things. 6/10
  7. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    ..Wow...just wow This track may not have the most crazy original layout but dang this map does have the most aesthetics i've EVER seen in a race track.

    Though I'm not a huge fan of racing of mongeese I'll have to take the time to move out of my way and DL this track to see its true beauty.
  8. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright ill take somethings into consideration but believe me, all i do is make race tracks, I messed around with the grav lifts and jimmies and they are in the most desirable places. The grav lift towards the jump is perfect but a bit tricky. Me being the map creater knows how to work it so if you would like to know how please read....

    Following the straing away toward the double sheild door man cannon launch on the street corner.... Hit the jimmy and 2nd sheild door, this should send you flying really close to the wall right at the grav lift, (important) YOU MUST use the emergency brack to the right before the grav lift to get a smooth transition onto the ramp, on top of the train and a smooth landing across onto the building...

    Yes I do know that you may be able to sit on the check point but using grav lifts would mess up the landing on the train station roof. Also i need to put a teleporter in.

    I make race tracks that are effective, fast, and difficult (different). Using themes i create these tracks, each track of mine has a theme, so i work around it. The train comes in at 90 seconds for my person reason... People can get a feel for the track before going to get points.. Its' my AnF Racing, battle racing.. so its not the usual type of racing thats why I made it the way I did, trust me i went through alot of tests!

    Thanks for your amazing review, (really lonng haha)

  9. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This track is amazing Ryan I didnt even know you were making this. 100% insane. I love the track. The whole idea is so sweet I cant wait to play on it.

    AnF Pro score 5/5
  10. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man i dont like the idea that your bumping your map. You have like 8 fh accounts and then anf knights account you've probably bumped them to.
    #10 RiioT, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  11. Fiatluxmortem94

    Fiatluxmortem94 Ancient
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    I do like this map, the aesthetics are what have me sold. However: I have a question... are all the bounce and push areas overpowering or are they just right? It seems to me that there might be one or two too many, but I'm not sure. But really, great effort, obviously you put a lot of time and effort in not only making the track, but also making the scenery so good you can barely keep your eyes on the road!

  12. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's perfect for me, but you should go and try it out yourself! Get a feel for the track and nail it! Oh and by the way thanks for all the comments guys!

    Oh and go ahead and make the video on it thanks soo much!

  13. Led Pump

    Led Pump Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OHMYGOD, the scenery on this map is outstanding comapared to anything I have ever seen! The track looks amazing aswell, the layout is like a perfect fit inside this city type train station! This is a definite download, this has to get featured! It's a definite 5/5 for me, great job I hope to be seeing many more race tracks from you!
    p.s. i saw the youtube video, its amazing I love how all the racers follow eachother perfectly!
  14. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey man thanks for all the comments, i appreciate it, oh and have you tried out any of my other older maps, i may start to light up forge hub with all my old stuff, ive got soo much of it thats not here, anyways, thanks for the comments everyone!!!!!!!
  15. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    I have played through this map and I aggree with shadowblade... I could only make the train jump like 40% of the time due to the fact that you have to get the jump absolutly perfect to make it. When you would be playing with other people it would be almost impossible becuase you would hit each other trying to make the turn before it. Also the first sheild door / grav lift turn always screws me up. I always hit the wall due to the sidewalk you made which screws up my turning. I would move the grav lift further down to help that. I seems like most of the sheilds doors could use some reworking. The asthetics are amazing though! (especially for a race map lol). 6.5/10 for me
  16. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not all race tracks are made for everyone to ride on it perfectcly.
    A driver must be aware on his position and of the road infront of him, and make desicions that would keep you going. I made this track a little more difficult than most. Yes i added the sidewalk so u could flip if you do it wrong, im totally aware of everything i placed. So as a driver you must figure out your best plan for the route ahead of you, work with what you are given, learn the track, then destroy the competition. Easy tracks get way tooo boring, but stuff like this, really helps to keep the driver at there best!

  17. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    the main thing is the jump above the train which is nearly impossible to make. I understand like how to race it is just my style to cut off corners and drift turn.
  18. Velocikiller

    Velocikiller Ancient
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    ok I am sick of everyone coming on here and saying " this track is too hard". Race maps are SUPPOSED to be challenging. If every map was extremely easy everyone would get bored and quit. If it is a challenge, take it from me, you will keep racing until you get it right. I have accomplished the shield door jump many times in a row without fail and i don't use the E brake.
  19. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow i don't know why this map hasn't got more attention because i love the looks of it! Sweet interlocking and merging... i can't wait to test it out
  20. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks dude! I have gotten about 5 nominations so far on the best race maps so I say that I have gotten alot of attention, I also posted a video which should surely bring in alot of attention. Thanks for all the commments again guys!


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