Open ground.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by JTB123, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. JTB123

    JTB123 Ancient
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    Open ground. *update* V2 made.

    Hello all, first time poster here. This is my frist map.

    Map Description:

    EDIT: Finished the V2 just now, going by what most said the main thing my map suffered from was too much open space, I've trie to solve that as best I can by merging the sniper and shotgun locations into a hill type structure with an open box in the centre so players can still avoid the action and go for a more stealthy approach.

    Taking into account how much the map has altered in V", I can't think of a name right now, as open ground wouldn't make any sense with the new alterations.

    Reccommended gametypes: CTF/Assault, team slayer with at leat 4v4, although when I originally designed I had 5v5 in mind.

    Weapons/powerups on map:

    1 Beam Rifle
    1 Shotgun
    1 Fuel Rod Cannon
    9 B.R.'s
    4 A.R.'s
    2 S.M.G.'s
    2 Plasma Rifles
    2 Plasma Grenades
    2 Firebombs Grenades
    1 Active Camo
    1 Bubble Shield
    1 Radar Jammer





    Download Version 2

    Let me know what you think.
    #1 JTB123, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Good for you, most people who are new don't look around at other maps and you did. As for the map, making it like standoff is very interesting. It is obvious that you have never learned about interlocking. It would make this map look much better. Object placement could use some work too. It is too easy to kill somebody. Looking at the spawns, no matter where you spawn, except for the base, somebody will always be in position to shoot you. Also check out geomerging it can make anything better. Looking forward to your version two if so. Visitor Message me if you need anything else.



    Overall this map is a little too open, I know it is the title but it is still to open. And because of this spans are not good. The middle is a very interesting place but everybody has to start somewhere. Next map try to improve a little. Cause there is plenty of room. Overall I give you a 2/5. But that can change very easily, If you use some of the links above
  3. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    It looks good, quite good for someone of your...skill. But it could be better with a bit more. Like maybe, a double story, or more cover. But for what it is, 3.5/5. Not bad. Keep on Forging!
  4. JTB123

    JTB123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, I'll definitely check out those links, just by looking at other peoples maps I know there are things I haven't even touched yet, plenty of things make me go "now how the hell did he do that?!".

    I'll work on it some more and update,

    Thanks again.
  5. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    Looks like a basic good idea, but it looks very open. You probably still have over half your budget still, why not build more? Add something like a sniper tower, or maybe make the main bases bigger, and add little smaller ones, with bonus stuff inside. That would make the map a whole lot better. Also, by interlocking objects, it would appeal to people more greatly, which is what your trying to achieve. Right away when i see a interlockeed map, i keep reading. But when a map has no interlocked anything, i dont see much interest. Check out Forging101 on the Homepage, for tips on interlocking and geomerging.
  6. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This is good for a first map, but it's alittle open :(

    Maybe you could add some more structures, use alittle more interlocking and come out with a V2 :)

    I'm sure it would be fun

  7. JTB123

    JTB123 Ancient
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    I'm going to practice interlocking stuff tonight, I think it would be better to have the fuel rod cannon in a smaller base rather than just in the open and maybe giving the bases a second level.

    I'll definitely do a v.2, probably be done in a few days.

    Thanks again for the tips and opinions guys, it's really good stuff.
  8. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    putting in a little more aesthetics that function as cover would make this better. perhaps trucks and forklifts for cover, on the side to look good?i think the bases should also be a bit bigger, with more strategic spawnpoints. perhaps behind the seperating wall.

  9. Olaberas

    Olaberas Ancient
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    You have a good concept here. I agree with the others that this has a bit too much open space. Aesthetics, for hardcore forgers, are a must. Try to make your map have a story, even randomly placed barricades can appear to be "natural" if the environment warrants them. Interlocking is a great method to clean up structures, and geomerging is very helpful (albeit frustrating) to eliminate gaps and integrate features. However, I differ from most and believe that not everything requires interlocking or geomerging. Some things simply need to be placed. Keep up the effort, and I am sure that you will satisfy the tough critics that are Forgehub.
  10. Cheeeeese

    Cheeeeese Ancient
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    If you want to name another map, you should use this thread to help you out :)

    Is that a Sentinel beam in the bottom right corner in the first pic?, On a map as open as this it might be a little overpowered..
  11. JTB123

    JTB123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    V2 done I ended up changing a lot more than I thought. update is in first post, let me know what you guys think.
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I would try to add some forging techniques, because I do not see any interlocking or geomerging in this map. They can really make a map looks 100 times better

    The map looks good though, I would would think about a v2 and make it more complicated and add more structures and definitly add more cover
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    love v2. i really like how the bases dont look the same completely. perhaps making it just a little more assymetric? those are the funnest to play. maybe changing things around just abit
  14. JTB123

    JTB123 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback, I had to improvise with objects a little in the base, as I was running out of walls :)

    I'm done with this map for now, I'm going to have a go at some new tricks I've learned since joining this site, interlocking etc, once I get that figured out, I'll probably get back to this map and try and make use of that knowledge to make it look a bit better.

    By the way, just out of curiousity, does anyone want to test this map out with me over the weekend? I don't think I can really leave it alone until I see it in action.
  15. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i can get on today around 4-6. eastern standard time btw(north carolina)

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