Repawn Area Problems.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by domomd367, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Just to clarify : If have read the Forge Tutorial Master Index, and as far as i can see, it does not solve my problem.

    O.k, so, i have learned form the FTMI that respawn areas and the spawns within them work on a point system, which makes it less ;ikey for you to spawn near recent death, or enimies, however increases the chances of spawning near you team mates.

    On the map i am curenntly making/testing, i had 2 respawn areas (one for attackers, one for defenders) which covered around half of each teams respective side each, so 2 pretty big areas, however not huge. There were about 70-15 repsawn points within them each, and the respawn points were set to the same side as the respawn area it was in (For your reference)

    Me and my friend were testing the map, and, whenever i killed him ,wherever i was, he spwaned in exactly the same spot. Even if i killed him in that exact spot, he would spawn there again, in the same place. Me standing next to the spot either did not help.

    I have had this twice now, so, does anybody know what on earth is going on?
  2. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    unless you were in his teams respawn area, it makes no sense at all
  3. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    You need to leave all your actuall spawn points nuetral. Also, depending on the layout of your map, the respawn areas should be neutral as well. Maps like The Pit and Narrows have team respawn areas but there design permits it.(although Narrows spawns aren't the greatest)

    Go back and set all of your spawn points nuetral then try it again. It almost sounds like you set all of the spawn points to a team side except for one and now he keeps respawning in that single respawn point.
    Can you post a picture of the design? This will help me to recommend changing your respawn areas all to neutral. Also, when setting your map up for CTF/Assault, that is when you want to set team respawn areas. Generally all other gametypes play best with neutral respawn areas. But like I said, it's all based on map design.
  4. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    It may be that that one spawn point is set to defenders or something. Also, check your Forge inventory to see if you have an extra spawn area that is covering that point.
  5. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    I will try to find a picture for you...


    It has changed a little now, but on that upside down double box, behind the small barrier was were he kept spawning. The map is pretty much symmetrical (The 2 bases are) and the rest of the map is similar, but not exact.

    When you all spawns and areas should be neutral, you mean only for slayer, right?

    If it helps, Here
    Is the link to the map 'Beta thread' It has changed a little since then, and i was trying to improve spawning when i came across this problem.

    Thanks for your help.

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