First of all, I would like to say thanks to all who participated in the Map Test Night. That part of it was a huge success. We all gave each other feedback, and I think people learned a lot about how to fix their maps. I've already said some stuff in the Shoutbox that i will repeat: (and these comments are also directed toward myself, my map failed too.) *We all need to try to think much harder about how we place our spawn points. It was literally so freaking horrible, it was actually funny. *We need to construct our maps with a lot more thought involved, particularly, once again referring to spawn points, weapon placement, and overall balance. My impressions: Most fun to play: whoever's map with the hill in the air and the banshee and the mancannons... even though i was dumb and didnt realize the hill was in the air, i had fun on this one. Prettiest map: Imho, (lol), i say that my map was the prettiest. all my objects were thought out and placed neatly and in a symmetrical fashion. so were my weapons. it was my spawns that were so bad. (once again, imho...) Worst map: I'd have to say Romath, your map was the worst. Even though I dont personally like you, I wanted to see what you had to offer with this map, and i was kinda dissapointed. Your objects were placed in a disorganized and sloppy fashion, Your spawns were completely nonsensical, as was your weapon placement. I'd like to re-iterate that this comment has nothing to do with me not liking you. I am just trying to help you, and everyone improve. Everyone please post your comments on how the test night worked out, and what you thought of people's maps, and what they can improve. Next time, I hope it is more of a success.
I had fun! My Middle Teror map, it was completely RUINED because of a mistake in my Game Varient. My Coke House map, remember people, I got done with that map about 30 minutes BEFORE the whole test night started, I worked on it for about an hour, so I didn't really have time to mess with spawns. If the spawns were correct, I'm sure you would all have enjoyed my map. We didn't get to play my Beach Camp map, it is completely ready to rumble, spawns are perfect, weapons are balanced, its all good, but Lone didn't play it.
The mancannon one didn't work out as I thought. You were supposed to throw the energy drainers into the mancannons, shutting the banshee down. But it was fun anyway!
Yea, i agree Insane, your KOTH map was a lot more fun and made more sense when you and I tested it that other time, without the waypoints on the peoples
getting confusing with 2 insanes around anyway so i had only tested mine once so i didnt know about that that stuff would it was kinda laggy...i thinik its a good map personally, but considering what happened i woulda much rather played QUIDDITCH! ;D lol im so crazy on that game anyway so i really liked that KOTH game actually, thouhg i didnt get it until like 2 minutes left (was wondering when i got those 100 points musta been when i got a Killtrocity of splatters ) so thoughts on the night itself? actually, it was a terrible idea. we need, instead, a subboard where we can post when we'll be doing all of ONE person's maps. that way, the person can work on his maps, even with the guys who are with him. i wanted to fix my spawns, but we had to go to the next map (and then i had my crazy idea which turned out pretty fun, but probobly not good enough ill keep working on it) so yea if we did that we'd make much better maps
I'm glad to hear that an event organized entirely by the FH community without the help of the staff was such a success. Keep up the good work on this event. Also to everyone else remember that the second TGIF (game night) will be taking place next Friday, 12/21.
OmGZ! TruDrKFUzoN posted On mY THRed! But really, AZN made it hard by trying to test his already tested maps and yelling above everybody trying to communicate with me to try to find there maps.
Test my already tested maps??? At the beginning we were trying to kill time. And if you mean at the end, then I did have a map to test. I was going to test my Junkyard. And I was the only one yelling, huh?!?? Alright that's cool... I won't participate in a future Map Test Night. Gives me more time to work on other things. Peace out!!! P.S. Yavi you wouldn't even know how bad some of them were. The Banshee one was good, the KOTH on Construct was good, and Titmar's slayer thing had potential... other than that, my eyes hurt.
yeah, some of those maps were not even ready to be tested... being part of forge hub you should know that you shouldn't have random weapons thrown around in a rushed map.
AZN, in the middle you kept saying that if there were no more maps, test yours, while someone was trying to talk to me, to get their map.
And when I started saying that, noone else was talking at the time... I said it when things got quiet. The only time I actually talk over people is if I'm screaming at them for being stupid or something of the like. But, whatever... find another guilder to support the Map Test Night. I will just help the individuals that I know can listen and not be stubborn about their maps. Maybe Shock would be interested...
I hope you were still able to get a lot of maps tested, I am sorry I was only able to stay to test one of your maps.
Hey at least some people liked my map, even though it was screwed up because of the damn way points...