After visiting earlier I noticed there are at least two Seventh Column symbols hidden in the current background image of the website. This isn't really a matter of importance, but it comes to show another example of how much Bungie is obsessed with subliminal messages, hidden images/clues, and ect. The following image is what I've discovered. Please reply here if you've found more Seventh Column symbols or anything else in Bungie's current background image. EDIT: I just noticed two more symbols on the left side of the left tree.
When people noticced that Mercidient Bias thing by the turret, Bungie got rid of it. These might have been erased by now. "No subliminal Seventh Column images here, move along"
They were put in there simply as a joke. A bungie employee said so himself. Also... notice the Ark in the top right section of the image?