Amazing! I'll start playing CC again just for this! PS- You should add me lock =D same GT as FH name, but I cant be on alot =P
I'm confused...are they releasing all the stuff they promised, including the necromancer, king, open grey knight, and chainsaw? Or are they releasing the king with his own personal weapon, pet, and magic, and calling it good? Because I want to be a necromancer, not some stupid king! I already have his scepter, what's the point after that?
Well it tells you what your getting. The King, Open Knight, 3 new weapons, and a new pet. Does it say Necromancer on that? Read the post plox.
I did read that post, but I also read somewhere else that the necromancer would be included. Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow and see...though it seems that the poor necromancer didn't make the cut this time around
What a fail of a DLC... This seems like such a small amount. The DLC better only be like 100MS Points because this is so pathetically weak it's not even funny. I don't even know how they can call it a DLC, just sounds like a small update to me. Have they even fixed the online problems yet?!
It actually IS around 100 points. And they fixed the online problems already with a "small update." This is what, two new characters, one of whom has new magic that introduces a completely new gameplay mechanic, magical healing? PLUS there's kickass weapons and a new pet. I still wish the necromancer was included...