
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by generalguppie, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    i finally finished it lol grind is a small map made for 4 teams of 2 or 3 at the moment it is set up for slayer team slayer teritories CTF i would recomend conquest for territories though

    weapon list:
    4 spikers
    4 SMGs
    1 mauler

    8 frags
    4 plasma

    bases are all the same sept for the weapons 2 bases have smgs the other two have spikers
    there are 4 hallways they have nothing in them they just connect the 4 bases together
    going to middle from both bases look basicly the same

    the center of the map...where the mauler is
    i would like to thank adelyss for giving me the idea of the hallways it realy makes the map seem alot bigger
    there is to many people to thank for play testing so if you see this post you know who you are
    hadokenchild for the upside down doors that helped

  2. Unl3ad1ng

    Unl3ad1ng Ancient
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    Cool looking
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    that thing in the center with the stairs is epic awesomesauce. You've got a good idea here it just looks a little cramped to me. maybe if you take out those doors and make the hallways a bridge wider. Idk the design is awesome and good weapon choice for a small map, but it seems too small to me. Maybe a bigger v2. Good map though. 3.5/5
    #3 AceOfSpades, Jan 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2009
  4. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    i would have made the hallways a bit bigger but i ran outa bridges lol nd for making the map bigger i coulf just move thing around a bit thank you for your input
  5. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    this map does have that awesome centerpeice although it looks really small. I would probably make more room for long range fights in the back alleys and other rooms and such to make it bigger and have a combination of long and close range fighting. 3.5/5 for me.
  6. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    the map was designed with small in mind lol i think i exhausted the budget making it so there realy isnt to much room for anything else umm i tried to make the hallways longer but there wouldnt have been enough objects to use
  7. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    My first question is, why is the map title name "Grind Fin"? Just wondering, anyway, In my opinion, what really brings out this map is the simple, yet awesome, interlocking. For example the stairs, and basically the entire central part of the map. The thing about this map that bugs me though, is the utter lack of interlocking in the hallways, and outside of the center. The bridges and just laying on top of each other, and in most cases the fence walls aren't even interlocked. Another thing is that you didn't interlock the roof, and you didn't interlock the walls with the floor, which makes it seem unprofessional. And the last thing about your map is that there are many slanted walls, as well as slanted interlocks. I'm sorry, but it seems to me that you spent a lot of time on the middle, then just threw together the outer hallways in a few minutes to add something to the map. Sorry to be so mean, but it's the truth. BTW, I think it is very good for a first map. Also, try to use more caps. People will take you more seriously.
  8. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    this is only version 1 of my map i just wanted to put it out there to see what people think the bridges wouldnt coaperate with me on layin down on 1 or 2 of em the others are merged together it is grind fin because its better than grindbbb lol just so i know wich one to put in fileshare i didnt interlock the fence walls because i thought if they are snug together than why waste the time i realy dont have much time on my hands during the week so i have to make every moment count.
  9. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    Really nice map guppie (as i am a fan of close-quarters maps), i like the aesthetic and the whole "turbine" feel. I like how you used different angled boxes to get that nice middle effect. I do agree about the bridge part though, you might want to fix that.
  10. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    From what I can see from your pictures, it looks very well forged while still keeping a I guess you could say,...I don't know how to put it..."messy?" look.


    • Well Forged
    • Looks more original than many maps lately posted
    • Pleasing Aesthetics

    • Looks like LOS (Line of Sight) is limited which may lead to the mauler being a massive power weapon.
    • Lack of weapons. I understand that it is a smaller map, but it is still always a good idea to provide at least two BRs and then some high-clip/less power weapons such as Plasma Rifles, SMGs(you have), and Spikers(you have)
    • Alot of grenades. Now I have not personally seen this map and walked around, due mainly because I am not on during the weekdays, but if it is indeed a small map and the game play works how I believe it would, I think that the hallways and center would be massive spam areas, leading to dissapointing gameplay.
    Sorry, for the bulk of the negative, being in the tester guild, I'm raised to be picky.

    The map looks interesting though and due to the look of the map, I think I can safely give this map a
    and probably a download.
    (Don't worry, thats a pretty good score compared to others)


    EDIT:It would be helpful if you provided a overview of the map in Microsoft paint or something. I assume its a circle with a four way intersection, but I cant be sure.
  11. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    This is a fun map guppie. I remember testing this before you put in the outer halls and I say good move sir. It's nice to go small once in a while and this map is a good small map. If you are planning on polishing things and releasing another version then I won't reiterate previous comments about interlocking. Then again I'm not that big of a interlocking **** anyway lol. 4/5 traffic cones to you sir.
  12. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    This looks good. It looks a little cramped in the middle, but i like the stairs. I like the curved hallways too. This look like you put effert into them. Though, there are too many grenades for this, and there looks like a little spawn killing once in a while. But ill test first. Editing later, B+ So far.
  13. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
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    with the nades i just put two in each base and i have spawns all over the place umm there is a few things that anoyed me with my own map lol but then again it takes alot for me to be realy happy with the maps i make lol i put the door in there to block the line of site so that there wouldnt be to much of a straight view into it...i played hide an go seek on it with my wife last night it was fun rofl but i am working on a V2 to make everyone happy
  14. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    A quick comment from lookikng at the pictures.
    This map must really lack flow.
    The doors and signs seem to really block your way
    which is a very big speedbump for gameplay.
    You may want to revise your layout and find out
    what makes it play better or worse.
  15. generalguppie

    generalguppie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i found that the gameplay on this map is surprisingly good if i do say so myself i put the doors there to make it not seem so straight and the signes because of the double boxes corners

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