Map Title: ZOMBIE HOLE Made By Skitzo Sven Gametypes Supported: Zombie Hole Recommended Players: 4-6 Description: A simple infection map and gametype where the humans start in a hole with shotguns and increased gravity(to prevent jumping out). The zombies start outside of the hole with swords, increased speed, and reduced gravity. The last man standing has poor camo and slight damage reduction. Download Map Download Gametype
Looks like a nice clean neat map. But starting a zombie idea where you want people to camp doesn't seem very original or fun. It gets repititive and boring very quickly. Try to bring out something new and fun to draw people in, not something that has been done before although your map is better than most like it. 3/5
looks alright, pretty simple, but you could get the feeling of, back-to-the waves-of-pressing-zombies feeling. but its been done before. props for not putting a giant armory for the humans. could use some geomerging 3/5
The concept has been used before, but i think it's still a pretty fun gametype.... There is good potential if you added say a secrete passage or some way of escaping, then a highspeed chase on mongooses with a giant jump into the abyss!! But I'm getting too ahead of myself, lol. 2.5/5
This map appears very neat and clean, but lacks very advanced forge techniques. The gameplay looks very fun, however, this map and gametype may become obsolete fairly quickly. Elegant simplicity is usually the best. EDIT: Your map just assisted my motto development! Yay!
Its a been done before, but this version is very clean, even with no interlocking. Looks good, especially for a first map. As you said, the infection gametype is really simple. In these cases, don't worry about making a variant specifically for the map; plenty of people have similar games and won't need to download the gametype.