Militia Map Pack My Name is TH3 V1DM4ST3R a.k.a. V1D30 GUY. Introducing the Militia Map Pack. This pack contains three of my own creations, Reload, Lockdown, and Deep Impact. You can see a few pictures of each map. Enjoy! Reload :is an abandoned UNSC weapon factory. It was shut down after the war ended. Many weapons were designed and assemblied here. Reload works with Slayer and King of the Hill and is made for Free For All gameplay. Lockdown : Many prisoners have occupied this place. Since the day it was built no one had ever even attempted to escape it. When the war started it was used for POWs. Then the Covenant raided the prison and slaughtered everything that breathed there. Deep Impact :This is based off of a ship that has been ripped in half that is hanging over a cliff. It is some what similar to the Halo:CE map, Boarding Action. Deep Impact has been made for most game variants.
Hey man, you don't want to give the links to the pics. You want to take those pics in the links, upload them to photobucket, then post them here. But I did take a look at the pics and they look cool, especially Deep Impact.
Thanks. I am also in the process of putting up another Map Pack. I am not for sure when it will be finished though.
preety decent maps i like the last one best 4.5/5 this must of took alot of work too make you should go on imageshack to post your photos because you are only allowed to post photos not give a link too them good work, keep forging edit: i noticed you are new too forge hub hope you have a good stay and by the looks of it your maps might get featured
*facepalm* You forgot to tell him how to make the post up to standards. OP, if you want a detailed guide on how to embed your pictures, message me. It is a requirement. No one else post about standards until it is fixed.
Sweet maps man. You've got some forging skills. My favorite is deep impact though, Replace the teleporters with man cannons because teleporters can be camped easily.
So can Mancannons though, can't they. And I agree, the best is definately deep impact, gonna dl it at least, probably the others too