Me and my friend, sniping stopher, found a odd glitch that if it could be tamed, may be a huge discovery. I will start from the beginning. I was bored so I wanted to make a map in forge that you cannot delete your way out of, so I set all the double boxes surrounding the spawn to not respawn at start and 10 seconds, so they could not be deleted. Eventually I let him out of the box after letting him struggle. I was then admiring my structure and realized I could grab it in a certain spot, so I did, and the weirdest thing happened. The object duplicated itself! We were so exited, but we decided to take a closer look at it. We found that when we moved it the spawn changed, but the old double box was left behind. We found this out by starting a new round and saving and exiting to find the old double box gone. So I ask if the community has any idea how to make the old double box stay. It would almost be like a crate moving and then staying, if you want to put it into that perspective.
Object cloning. I remember how to do it with destructible objects. Not sure how or why it worked for you with double boxes. Anyways, it won't stick, only for one round in a Forge mode. Sorry for spoiling your excitation, it won't work for a map.
This is object cloning you and your friend must of grabbed a box at the same time which must of made it duplicate its self!
Thankyou for the information, and no, we did not grab it at the same time, we repeated this many times.
For simplicity to show us, could you make a vid clip in theater and put your link here for other to see?
Yea the same thing happened to me when I was finishing up on a map. It was a B sign instead though. If you grab the box right where the dot is, that's what happens. The details are basically the reason why you cant grab some items that shouldn't be spawned is because they technically are not there. The dot represents where an item spawns and since the object wasn't in it's place, the dot was able to be grabbed. When you grab a dot of a fusion coil you roll down the hill of Valhalla, the fusion coil comes back right in front of you. Since this specific object you grabbed technically isn't there, it grabbed it from nowhere and put it wherever you dropped it. After the round restarts however, the "dummy/dud" disappears since it no longer has any physical or technical value. In easy terms, think of the box as a hologram showing where the box should be. It has all the physical properties as a regular box, but no true value. So if you grab the dot that holds the value of the REAL box, the REAL box pops up in front of the hologram. That's basically what happened. Hope this helps! Oh and I don't believe - without a mod chip - it's possible to keep the dummy just like the turret-less vehicles. Although I do have a theory for doing that, but I haven't tested it out yet. PM me if you're interested. According to my theory, we might be able to keep a "dummy" object as well...hmm..even if we did it would be extremely difficult to time just right...anyway so yea.... I could be wrong about this "duplicate object" glitch, but I'm pretty sure I'm right. P.S. Ahahah that's funny I called myself The Cartographer as well. Not any more, but I did. Now I'm just DoogNit. Congrats on the awesome name
This is like the "turretless warthog" glitch. Once it's gone, it respawns as a regular hog. This is probably the same sorta thing. Actually, it's a bit like when you clone a spartan...
I have duplicated double boxes, and other indestructible items before, the person up top was right, it only lasts for one round... All that happens, is say the game lags for 3 seconds, and in those three seconds: step 1.)There was a box on the ground... You pick it up and move it elsewhere, the box moves, or rolls, from throwing it... but the game doesn't notice the movement of the rolling, and places the TEARDROP marker where the box first landed. The box still stays where it rolled to. step 2.)Its been about 30 seconds, and the box originally spawns where its supposed too, but the other box is still there... on the ground... alone... cutting itself. =] Suddenly you think, "Oh no, my friends going to get out.... I'm going to move the box I threw to block him!" (something like that happened with your friend, as I interpreted the text above.) You float over to the old box. You pick it up, and the box where the TEARDROP marker is moves, as a result of that's the actual box, where it should be... so its a duped box. THE END Hope it helps any... =D