Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock reaches $1 Billion in sales Showing how big of a role name recognition plays in the videogame market, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock has become the first game to earn $1 billion in sales. Activision Publishing CEO Mike Griffith spoke about the company's latest accomplishment during his CES keynote, and how games are "poised to eclipse all other forms of entertainment in the decade ahead." "Music has a history of evolving through technology and we are at the beginning of the latest chapter in that story," says Griffith. With artists seeing higher sales after appearing in games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, and today's youth more often than not discovering new music primarily through these games, I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment. Source
This is obviously not true because no one would be stupid enough to buy a game as boring as Guitar Hero.
No, this is obviously a lie because nothing could have sold more copies than Wii Sports and Wii Fit, separately. If combined, then there would be no space in the world large enough to store that number. It'd be like finding the real answer for pi.
Guitar Hero 3 is on all systems, even PC. Guitar Hero 3 can cost either $60 or $90 if you buy the guitar with it. Guitar Hero 3 is popular.
Wii Sports is actually the Gospel that foretells the coming of Satan. It is just as popular, if not more so, than GH3.
I can see why it is so popular. And, Wii Sports has extremely low sales, because it comes with the Wii. Can you even by it separately?
Wii sports is the best selling game ever, google if you must. It comes with the wii so therefore it can be assumed that the wii is free and the game costs $200.
You would think the Halo series would rake in the most cash, seeing that I don't think I know someone that doesn't have it and has a xbox. But it's not like I looked up any statistics or ****, and I don't really feel like it.
=[ It's not as popular as you would think. Sure, there are many people that play Halo 3, but out of the number of people who own an actual xbox, there are still a lot who don't play it, or even want to. Not to mention, Halo 3 is an exclusive, while Guitar Hero 3 is multi-platiformed. So, here are the ups to it: Multi-platform, greater audience Activision. Worst corporation in my opinion, but they sure know how to get fanboys to protect their ****. Any GH or RB game is an instant party game. Many tents at events have the game, to draw in customers, or even school dances. It is simple, fun, and people will play it for a good time. Then you have the gamers who get GH, because it is a new brand of Hardcore gaming. While it can remain casual, you can become hardcore good at it. Those 4 things alone place it ontop of the selling charts. There are many more things that contribute to it's success market wise, but this is primarily it. FYI, WiiSports coming with the Wii is a marketing strategy within itself, so that is why it has sold the most copies, technically speaking. Just sayin...
Not to mention how expensive that damn game is. Its incredible how they expect you to pay for it. (damn... but yeah I bought it).
I just got GH 3 for 30 dollars with the controller... That's pretty cheap considering the new one. And seriously, how can you think GH3 is stupid? If I want to pay over 300 dollars for a Guitar and pay for lessons, I'd get a guitar. Guitar Hero is just like any other game. It makes no sense trying to compare it to a real guitar....
It's logical. People who wouldn't buy games consoles before bought the Wii. And people who stayed away from video games before were pulled in by unique games like GH. That's why it reached all that money in sales. Also, it's not an exclusive. It's even on the Nintendo DS. What's the highest amount made in sales for an exclusive game? (I bet you it's Halo 3)