^^^This picture, it be a link! ^^^ Author: Squiiddish Players: 3-10 (10 can get insane) Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA Slayer, Multi Flag, Multi Bomb, Neutral Bomb, KotH (see warning below), Infection gametypes Prismatic (n.): 1. Refracting light as a prism 2. Multicolored or incandescent Prismatic Rise is the spawn of countless hours of work interlocking, geomerging and aligning things. At least a week of preplanning and map layout. Days of testing and weapon/player spawn fiddling. And approximately a week of trolling these forums trying to get someone to help me break the item cap. For the record, I never did get it to work, so you can expect 0 lag from this map. It fits within Bungie's specifications (except budget glitch =) ) The map uses the entirety of Foundry, and focuses on a large central building smack in the middle of the central area of the map. It is an entirely symmetrical map made to be used for all major gametypes. The map uses a timed event feature within the central building: more floors and areas will open up as the game moves on. After 3 minutes, the map is entirely open for fighting (this will be explained in detail later) NOTICE: All maps bordered above and below with stars are images from older versions of the map. Not all details of these pictures may be accurate. *********** ********** This is a basica overview of the map. You can see the front of the main building from here. The towers in the corners. These become accessible after 3 minutes (will be explained later). ********** ********** The Back Alley, home of the Sniper Rifle (2 minute respawn, 1 spare clip) The center of the field. Most of the action takes place out here or in the building itself. The bases for each team are located where the default Foundry bases are. The back hallway can be accessed from the far room in each base, and houses the Shotgun (2 minute respawn, 0 spare clips) The timed feature of this map is what I'm most proud of. At the beginning of a round, only the lower floor of the mian building can be accessed. After one minute, the second floor will unlock, followed by the roof at two minutes and finally the corner towers at three. Also at three minutes, staircases will spawn leading directly from the floor to the corner towers (exposing the building totally). For those of you who learn by seeing, here you go: Base at the Beginning One Minute passes... Two Minutes... And finally Three. IMPORTANT: Due to the workins of the building opening up over time, you must change a few settings to play KotH. I'm not gonna make you DL a separate gametype, just follow these instructions: 1. Load up a KotH gametype 2. Set hills to spawn in sequence 3. Set hill move time to one minute It sounds like a hill chillin there for one minute may get boring, but trust me it really works with the map. Most of the hills are fairly large, and feature multiple ares to hold it from (with one very notable exception ) Here's your stinkin action shots [IMG]http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n362/Squiiddish/Halo%203%20Prismatic%20Rise/62930131-Full.jpg[/IMG] An excellent demonstration of when NOT to reload your rifle. [IMG]http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n362/Squiiddish/Halo%203%20Prismatic%20Rise/62930223-Full.jpg[/IMG] Gangbang at Sniper Alley! [IMG]http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n362/Squiiddish/Halo%203%20Prismatic%20Rise/62932632-Full.jpg[/IMG] At 2 1/2 minutes in, the Spartan Laser spawns in between the two bases in a mancannon. It goes flying across the entire map to land in a weapon holder on the roof of the building. This usually causes severe moshing. [IMG]http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n362/Squiiddish/Halo%203%20Prismatic%20Rise/62932812-Full.jpg[/IMG] OM NOM NOM! Devil PacMan is hungry. [IMG]http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n362/Squiiddish/Halo%203%20Prismatic%20Rise/62933322-Full.jpg[/IMG] Yeah, you can get up there. No, it won't help you. [IMG]http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n362/Squiiddish/Halo%203%20Prismatic%20Rise/62933761-Full.jpg[/IMG] Remember that "notable exception"? Yeeeaaaaah... thats this. [SIZE=4][COLOR=Plum][U][B]Mmmmmm Weapon List...[/B][/U] AR x 10 BR x 10 Shotgun x 1 Sniper x 1 SMG x 4 Spiker x 2 Magnum x 2 Plasma Pistol x 2 Plasma Rifle x 2 Needler x 1 Brute Shot x 2 SPLAZER x 1 Carbine x 3 Mauler x 2 Frag x 13 Plasma x 10 Bubble Shield x 1 Power Drain x 2 Regen x 1 Deployable Cover x 2 Overshield x 1 [SIZE=6][COLOR=Wheat]Last but not least, I wanna give some special thanks to those who really gave me a lot of help with this map. Thanks to Riv Roy009 for helping me with some alignment issues and general forging stuffs, Sgt KillStuff for giving me loads of advice on weapons spawns and the stupid staircases, and Desert Sloth for entertaining me the whole time. [SIZE=4][COLOR=SeaGreen]And for the record...[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE] I'm Squiiddish! [COLOR=Silver][SIZE=5][FONT=Fixedsys]In case you missed the title shot link, [URL="http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=62980922"]DOWNLOAD Prismatic Rise HERE![/URL][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
this looks Really good, Sqiddish. i love how the map evolves over time, the gametypes seem to play well, and aesthetics are great. ill DL and see... The post itself is nice, too!
Nice man, I can tell you spent a lot of time on this map, and though it is large, still made it a great map. The interlocking is nice and smooth, the aligning is straight, and the map looks very presentable all in all. As the person above me said, Its great that you have implied spawning over time into a competitive map, and if it plays well, then this has a great career as a map.
The map looks pretty good and I like the central base. The thing that bugs me however is that it is mostly empty, open ground. This makes the gameplay feel like an island map where the only thing you try to do is get on the structures. On the ground you are completely exposed and the structures seem a little to easily defended. The forging was nice overall but I see some sloppy walls here and there (picture of the back alley with sniper). I like the fact that you can access different areas as time passes but it isn't really done efficiently. The only way to the top is a steep staircase which serves as a bottleneck. Then a crate spawns on top meaning that you have to jump rather than walk. This breaks up gameplay and makes the attacker extremely vulnerable.
reply fun and creative i really like this map alot i will play this alot it is exremly neet and smooth
Wow this is soooooo sexy. I love all the late spawning items. I remember playing this with you the gameplay is great. The only thing I would suggest is removing the barriers 5/5
To your first point, the map really isn't as ope as some of the pictures may make you think. There isn't a big space between the base's outer structures and the main building, and the area around the building isn't that huge. Also, the building is 3 stories. In a 4v4 or even 5v5 game, the team in the building would have a REALLY hard time trying to hold off attackers firing from the spawning bases, the corner towers, and rushing the building itself. In addition, there are no respawn points on the second story, third story, or corner towers. This makes it even harder to defend. Add to this the very small amount of ammunition avaliable inside the building and you've got a structure that becomes impossible to defend VERY quickly. If you're talking about the tilted fence walls, notice they only appear in the picture flagged as being from an older version. Originally, instead of crates, two grav lifts spawned, and the tilted fence walls would make you fly up and over onto the roof. They have since been removed entirely. The steep staircase leading up to the second story can be run up and down just like a normal staircase. Also, remember the map is symmetrical: there are two staircases. In addition, after 3 minutes (when corner tower access spawns), two more staircases spawn leading directly up to the corner towers. From there you can walk directly to the roof of the building, and suprise defenders holding the middle floor from above. The roof is only accesible by crates during the one-minute period before corner tower access spawns, and this was done intentionally to make the an epic fight for the top story to be there to catch the Splazer that spawns 30 second later. After that, the roof is generally accessed by the corner towers, the crates just serve as a surprise jump up. I hope this addresses most of your concerns with the map. This map was tested extensively, and every possible consideration has been taken to make your time in it fun and enjoyable. If anyone else has any other concerns or criticism, please let me know. I'm definately plannig a v2 eventually to address any major concerns, and if more ways up to the top is one of those, I'll work on it. Thanks for the criticism =)
lolz i remeber this map. its pretty good and the way the lazer spawns is awsome. as one of your older maps it looks a little sloppy on parts like you described, but its a blast to play 4.5/5
For the record, whoever is rating my map low and dragging my overall rating down without posting anything or giving any kind of reason why you did so, I would REALLY like it if you would actually look at the map and post as to what can be fixed before you randomly just lower ratings on peoples maps.
I quite like this map. And I like the switches and time events that happen throughout. I also like the flying Spartan Laser concept. Nice job, Squiiddish. 4.5/5.