That is a link to the wrong vid in the first place. Here's the actual link to the Boxxy video (scop's was merely a link to a reposted one). Oh and @ Sarge. Banana phone.
She's not as bad as my Geography teacher. She's so ****ing mental. Last week she ran round the classroom basically screaming trying to demonstrate why the oil supplies were cut off that go to Ukraine. We call her 'Crazy Ecstasy *****'. This girl is mental too. She's fit though...
I'd smash. She may be annoying as ****, but I think I could get past that considering how hot she is.
Donkey Punch FTW? I lol at the fact that most of you 15-18 year olds say "Id **** her/do her/ show her a good time/ etc" as if you were all pros at it or something hahaha. Drawingman Laughs at you all and talks in the third person perspective while drinking his juice mwahahaha. And Mastar, that pic has potential to become one of those funny as hell pics that roam the internetz for ages. Go post it on 4chan or something!
Lol. Drawingman. I just got banned from 4chan for 2 days for starting a thread which had the word "Boxxy" in it XD Good thing I barely use 4chan anymore.
How old is this whole "Boxxy" thing? Now I've been looking for her, I've been finding her. Her voice is quite soothing actually. She is a bit weird, but oh well. And I doubt she's on crack. She's hogh on life, like ME!!!11!!!
this may sound odd, but i would totally ask her out if she went to my school. she'd probably say yes cuz no1 else wud ask her. she can get a little annoying at times, but overall she sounds pretty cute.
^^ She sounds cute? lols. You can clearly see that she is cute, however her voice could shatter a nation.
Um, I would. This video may get annoying, but it's amusing in a way. And no way she doesn't have ADD. There's something up with her.