Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s) 1 Halo 3 2 Call of Duty 4 3 GTA IV 4 Gears of War 2 5 Gears of War 6 CoD: World at War 7 Guitar Hero III 8 Battlefield: Bad Company Demo 9 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo 10 Rock Band 11 Fable II 12 Mirror's Edge Demo 13 Madden NFL 09 14 BF: Bad Company 15 Rainbow Six Vegas 2 16 UNO 17 Castle Crashers 18 COD: World at War Multiplayer Beta 19 Forza Motorsport 2 20 Too Human - Demo
Whoa I thought call of duty was in front of halo3. Also isnt it weird that minagame arcade games are up there lol Also there are a lot of call of duty related games up there nice find
All of these surprised me. I never thought of Guitar Hero and Rockband as xbl games and there were a whole lot of demos pretty high up. UNO was not expected at all and I didn't think Castle Crashers would be that high (even if it is epic). Those are almost all worthy of the spots they've been given.
Games like GH and RB aren't necessarily huge XBL games, they were just played alot by people who were online, even if they were playing single player.
Note that this list is titled Xbox 360 Top Live Titles. Top Live Titles doesn't necessarily mean the top multiplayer games, but it means the most played games online. I understand your point, however. I think that there should be a top multiplayer titles list that better suits the community instead.
I find it interesting that the demos, in some cases, are up there, but not the actual game. Great find though, not very surprised some, extremely surprised by others.
This is false. Firstly the original gears is too high, so is halo(it is not #1), if that didn't convince you...the CoD MP beta's servers have been cut, rendering it unplayable.
Except that the same list was on Major Nelson's Blog, and was a news article on Kotaku. I do however, find strange that Halo 2 was the top xbox original Live title, but yet Gears of War came above it overall :/
It's the top titles played on Live ranked by UU. The list isn't wrong or bogus. Just a statistical compilation.