1. Slayer 2. Detained 3. Hexagonal 4. Tanker Please Download & RateIf you like these pictures you should check out the links in my sig.
Nice pics, my favorite is def the last one, that blue is just lovely! My only complaint is his face is too bright and you cant see it. Others are cool too, I like the bubble shield effect Great job, 4.5/5
wow... beautiful... I think the only dislike out of all of it is the hexagonals armor color, yellow always throws me off
Two and three are awsome. I want to know how to do the third one(i kno it haz to do with a bubble shield). I'm DLing that one too. The other too are kind of casual, but pretty cool. 5/5 overall, good job on them.
not to be mean or anything but they all have already been done... even on bungie im sure but uh figuring them out i guess good job 2.5/5
I like the second one best because how the bublle sheild makes him really sharo and glossy. I also like the 3rd with the webbing coming off the sniper barrel.
Your correct, it does include bubble shields but it also includes different fxs and the armor color plays an important role to. Thanks for the rating! I know it may not be original but its hard to find something original when there is so many people making screenshots these days. I know the first and last one aren't that original but I would liked to be rated on how good I executed the screenie.