Gravity Well Download Gravity Well Gravity Well Title Shot: Map Haiku: Boarding Action-like, It curves around a death-pit. OHGOD!FLAMETHROWER! Map Overview: I built this map starting with the vague goal of Kind-of-Remaking-Boarding-Action-from-Halo-1... with some tweaks. Teams start out on opposite sides of a long death pit. From here, they may go any of 3 ways: 1) up to the top level and around to the other side via catwalks, 2) through the bottom level and around the death-pit on the ground floor, or 3) pick up an OS to open a door that allows either team access to a central shortcut-bridge (and a flamethrower), however both sides must open their gate in order the the bridge to be fully useful. The weapon layout is covenant-based (plasma pistols, plasma rifles, plasma grenades, carbines, power drainer, beam rifle, sword) with the big exception of the flamethrower. Dual-wielding is actually a valid (and useful) option on Gravity Well, and nothing completely overpowers anything else. And I made sure my favorite noob-combo was decently effective. Also, grenades are a bit nerfed due to the half-aesthetic, half-item-saving, half-gameplay-choice 'cracks' in the walls. The map supports pretty much any gametype you want to throw at it, but my favorites are listed below. It's a small map, so I wouldn't suggest ever putting more than 6 players on it unless you're OK with some inevitable bad spawns. The spawns and weapon layout make for an ideal (non-hardcore) 1v1 chess match where you should never feel completely out-gunned upon respawn. It's also great for some 3 or 4 person FFA games or 2v2 objective matches. Suggested Gametypes: 1v1 or 1v1v1 or 1v1v1v1 or 2v2 Slayer - 2-4 players - It's a nice little map where path knowledge will win you the game. Know all the tricky little jumps. CTF* - 4-6 players - This map is made to support 1 or 2 flag. Tactical switch-use can be the key to victory. I'd play 2 flag 2v2 and 1-flag 2v2 or 3v3. KotH - 2-6 players - Lots of hills keep you moving around the map. I prefer FFA to team KotH on this map. Assault* - 4-6 players - Ditto CTF, but backwards. Conquest - 4-6 players - The territories were set up with Conquest in mind, though it's definitely not a linear setup. Oddball - 4-6 players - As long as your slippery fingers don't drop the ball into the death pit too often... *Note: For objective games, the gameplay really depends on the settings used. For instance, a bomb fuse time of 15 yields some back and forth assault, while 10 seconds gives you more straightforward gameplay. Weapon Loadout Shots*: Front Loadout Back Loadout *Note: Walls have been deleted for the purpose of picture taking. Features: Of the smaller maps I've made, this is my favorite yet... even more so than Electric Slide... and I loved that thing. Here are what I take to be the pertinent aspects of the map: -Long death-pit: Hey, it was the best way to re-do Boarding Action in Foundry as far as I can tell... and it led to a nice kind-of-not-secret sword spawn. -The bridge: I think it's a great tactical choice in objective games and another nice way around in slayer. Plus, the switch-doors on either side are the most robust switches I've incorporated into a map yet... even if they are a bit simple. -Tactical jumps/drops: These things will save your life more than once. Try falling into the sword-man-cannon to save yourself a second of being shot at. -Weapon Layout: It's not the same as all my other maps, and it's my best use of the sword and flamethrower yet. -Symmetry settings: The map is set up with mostly covenant weapons in symmetric games, but in asymmetric games, it switches to human weapons attacking covenant weapons (Carbine to BR, plasma rifle to SMG, etc). Additionally, in asymmetric games: 1) the attackers have no control over their gate. It's just open. 2) The maulers near the spawns are replaced with a Dep. Cov. for the defenders and a trip mine for the attackers. 3) the mid-map power-weapons are switched (Beam Rifle for Active Camo, Power Drainer for Sentinel Beam, Sword disappears). 4) The shield-doors on the attacker's side of the map deactivate and extra shield doors on the defenders' side activate. Screenshots: Red Base Here is one of the bases. The two are identical from a geometry standpoint, but have slightly different weapon loadouts (human vs covie) during asymmetrical games. There's a spawning cubby (the single open box in the fence box) and a spawning box (behind the vertical double wall) which is shielded during asymmetrical games. You can pick up a couple carbines, a plasma grenade, a mauler, and an overshield. Be careful, though, the OS opens your gate to the bridge. A View From the Pit This is the death pit. It's steep. And... it... err... kills you. You probably shouldn't jump into it like this... unless you want the sword... then you'll have to land in the proper place to grab it. You can see the active-camo/beam-rifle spawn in the background. Feline Perambulation Yup. The map has catwalks. It's good territory to control, too. The Bridge The bridge is a good way to get from base-to-base, but it's easy to become overwhelmed... But hey, that's what the flamethrower is for, right? Bomb Armed. Fist Planted. This is what it's all about... Detonation Well, that and this. What a lovely shot. On fire... Chron Fire? Running Chron doesn't like the flamethrower on the map. I think I know why. Break-Dancing... Because... what else do you have to do? Holdin' Bomb Just for fun. Final Words: As always, thanks to the many people who helped test and had input into this map. Thanks particularly to GO43R for some aesthetic and layout tips. Also, but ups to JustcallmeDrago, whose death-pit design I shamelessly stole. Download Gravity Well
Man! This looks a lot like a map my friend had made, but you certainly made it more professional. I like the catwalk because you are vulnerable to falling into the deathpit. I'll give you a DL and try to get on Halo tomarrow to try this out. EDIT: I'm writing down your gametypes.
I played one game on it and it was amazingly fun. I'll download this then get back to you with a full review after another two games or so.
Great fun on this map. Plays very well for smaller parties, and is the best spiritual successor to boarding action yet in my mind. Well, done Cosmic.. and what a sweet post! those pics are the balls.. or the ****.. er...really really cool. I've only played FFA so far on it, but Im sure I'll get some more varied games on it in the future. Great work
I didn't recognize the name for a second! Gravity Well is a map that I can tell was designed very carefully as all of Rick's maps are, but I especially have to recognize the assault and one-flag switch that is basically an objective other than the flag or bomb plant. The switch that is below he main area, is so creative and inspires tactics in many ways. For one, there is the option of grabbing the overshield, yet opening the second path to the flag/bomb plant spot or you can wait, but the other team might get the OS. I love the idea Rick. Next, during testing I noticed the layout above sword and lift was perfect for a set-up when my partner whipped one up really quick between rounds. I grabbed the camo and sentinal beam and stood top mid on the bridges, while my teammate watched bottom attack base and the plan was flawless. We held off Cosmic Rick and Qrange for a while until I got aggressive and moved into the base to attempt a spawn camp, which failed. Meaning spawns are excellent. Once again, great job Cosmic Rick and I'm glad I could get some testing in before release. EDIT: During the set-up, I was located on the top mid catwalk.
not only did you spend time on the map you also spent some time giving =details to the pics from what i see in the pics very nice forging design great from pics 4/5 Edit: later download look tomorow GL is it like human alien weapon kind of thing with the sym asym :?
Lately you have been posting floating maps. This one is the best (actually better than recalcitrance since you have only posted 2 floating maps), it gives the space ship feel. This map has the best use of the flamethrower so far. All the weapons are uniquely placed to the map. The death pit seems like the one on Vertebraille by thesilencebroken but only a lot bigger. The game play looks very fun indeed, seeing that you provided some cat walks and a very inspiring design. Great job.
Photoshop. This map is the most epic map I've seen since Moon Waffle. Great job! The layout looks fantastic, the gameplay looks smooth, and the whole map looks terrific. Nice job, man. 5/5.
...and so the second era of Map Pooping begins. One of the things I didn't like about Boarding Action was that you couldn't have fun playing it with a really small group. It's great to see a smaller spiritual successor here. I loved hopping around it with you, and I can't wait to get some games on it? Inv please? We can do small team games on this and Radius, lol.
well the map is really cool and i like how accesible the map is but i was kind of hoping for an actual "gravity pit" i know thats probaly not possible even if you use mancannons but it would be cool any ways. also what i like is how for symmetrical games you have covie weapons *not including flame* and for assymetrical you have human it just adds that kind of twist. finally your post was not boring to read at all. why because there were quotes and one liners in the pictures that i guess you photoshopped in that look really good. ill have to play test it first to make sure its rating but for now i will give it 4.5/5
Usually when you've released a map I've had the chance to play it with you a few times.... sadly this was not the case here. So that being said. I look forward to playing on this sexy map. It can be hard to find a covenant themed weapon set, so I bet its a nice change of pace. The post is impressive as well, what did you do to morph the text to look as though it was in the map?
Can I say: Best Remake of Boarding-Action EVER!? Wow Cosmic, you are on a roll. All these maps of yours are just perfect. Awesome Aesthetics, and Gameplay (From What I see). This is super sexy and I am playing it right this very second. Get back to you as soon as I get a party together! Cosmic, you deserve teh Feature NAO! 5/5 for now at least.
very nice map 5/5 . just one question the map doenst look like u should be on the foundry floor and on the first pic in the bottom left corner it looks like u can fall out of the map, or is that just the way the pic looks?
Yes. It's all alien (except the flame thrower) during symmetrical games and half the map switches to human weapons during asymmetrical games. I wish. Nope. It's just a lot of tweaking and rotating of the 3D text in MSWord'07. Oh, and LIGHTS is right. The wall was taken out for the sake of the screenshot there. (It says so in the post. c'mon, poeple!) Anyway, thanks for the comments so far, guys. I enjoyed working on this map, and I hope you enjoy playing on it.
I like this map alot. The death pit has been done before, but it doesn't take away from the originality. I love the merging and the map layout. The catwalks add alot to the map. I love your maps, Rick, and it looks like you put alot of thought into this one! Great job.
good lord, cosmic. i can barely keep up with your maps, and im just downloading them while your the one actually making em! how can you keep up with yourself?o.0 two very nice maps in two weeks, you must forge these things in a few hours.... and without playing the map i can say i will like it much better then electric slide...this being mostly because i enjoy an elaborate playing feild, and with catwalks, a death pit, and a switch, it doesnt get much more elaborate then that. of course, another dl, ill take a peek of this on friday... exellent job but one more thing... uuugh im so tired of this.... what reasons did you give to support your rating??? and that (from what i can see) inquires that this map is 100% flawless... and you know this without actually trying it out.... notice my post? no games=no rating. we all know this map isnt 100% perfect, as cosmic even said that there are cracks in the walls that allow grenades to slide through... if this is fixed THEN what will the map be? 110%? 100.0000000001%? impossible. and ratings are not expressions, they are ratings... inexcusable. get the picture?
The cracks in the wall (gaps just a bit too small to crouch through) were actually left there on purpose. You're supposed to be able to toss grenades out of the map... even when you don't mean to. But certainly, yes, no map is perfect. And ratings without playings don't mean much to me. But, people are gonna do it anyway, so I just try not to worry about it. Anyway, if you're planning on getting some games going, I'd suggest a quick 2v2 one-bomb game or a 1v1v1 slayer game of some sort.