Alright, let's see your airsoft gun pics... They must be pictures YOU HAVE TAKEN... not pictures of the gun from websites... Heres my KSC Beretta M92FS Springer, $40 at Wal-Mart
Whats with all the iphone in all the pictures? hahaha. Must you over complicate things? Don't be a Cameron with " ASG 150 " remember that? lol He sounded like such a tool. lol anyways, great gun, fun times. Hopefully you can get that MP5. I'm looking foreword to it.
My Spring Bolt-Action 10 Sniper, 159$ of My G36, used for more versatility, 155$ off I also have a few random-ass pistols lying around I never use. I'm too damn lazy to take my own pictures.
Okay, herei go, I'm not getting into the details and brand names though.... Sop Mod : Mp5 SD6 : (Plastic though...) 92FP Spring Pistol : What I have in mail : Galaxy Colt .25 (lol, i was bored, and it looked kewl) I have a clear shotgun sawed of from Walmart 2, but i cant find pics All of my guns exept my M870 shotty was from
lmao, I dunno. I saw some other pictures where they had their gun lying on a jacket or hoodie with a cell phone or a lighter beside it... And we shall have some fun times with the MP5 hehehe, oh. I also have a friend getting the M4, and another getting the AK-47... Too bad the house fell down though... those were some good times inside and outside of there... Especially when you were on the roof shooting down at the other team inside... lmao
You know whats even better. Owning the actual guns that those are modeled after. Although I did get the KSC Beretta at my Wal-Mart for only $21 ... lol
it's like $35 in Canada... + 13% tax... And it's alot harder to get gun in Canada then in the states... And you can't shoot your friends with real steel...
My 500 FPS sniper from AirSplat. The shotgun. UMP. Kitty Kat rifle. Mac 10. I have more, but most are broken.
Yes you can, just dont get caught! LOL! Anyways, a little off topic, but my friend didn't believe that these things sting (especially the Beretta, it's velocity is what 220fpm?) So I sot him bareskinned in the back point blank, never seen someone dance so goofily before bleeding before .. LMFAO!!
Lol, I half expected to see some quality guns, guess not. BTW, Never buy from airsplat or hobbytron or shortyUSA. They are all bad retailers. Try Airsoft GI or Airsoft Smith or Airsoft Extreme. My gun is a G&G Sportline M16A3 pending a new barrel/bucking and a scope, mebbe an M120 to bring it up to 400 FPS with .20s. Im sorry to say norlinsky, your sniper is probably around 420 with .20s. Airsplat always chronos w/ .12s, which are utter crap. What brand is it? you may want to consider upgrading the internals. Also ppl, in airsoft you get what you pay for. Your $260 G&G M4 will outperform and outlast all 10 $50 Wally World shotties you will buy because they keep breaking.
Mine actualy can kill things . 1200 Psi in 10 pumps beat that . :] This is me when I went shooting with my friends. This is a power master and its worth the $60 I am considering buying a breakbarrel rifle for $200 that has a psi equivalant to a 22 calaber bullet [2,000ft/s]. :]
You speak the truth. G&Gs are really nice. But they cost about $400 for an M4A1 in Canada... Right now I'm trying to get a JG M4. It's a Tokyo Marui Clone, but it's $260. As for Norlinskys sniper, I think it's a UHC Super 9... Which no offense bud means that it's a **** airsoft sniper combated to a VSR-10...
If I ever buy a BB Gun I will not stop until I can kill a human with it.
Apple products, Airsoft guns, and kitties, what more could you ask for? Anyway, I own three Airsoft guns, a MP5, a Desert Eagle, and a M14. Sadly my MP5 only shoots 180 FPS, but my Desert Eagle shoots about 350 FPS. On the other hand, my M14 shoots about 500 FPS at pretty long range with a nice scope. The following image isn't my M14 but it's the exact same product from the same manufacturer
I have a shotgun, an automatic rifle, a deagle, and a lot of crappy pistols. How's that for specifics?